Starting to Show

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Thanks to @xxNYPandaxx for the idea for this chapter. This chapter wasn't originally one I was planning on writing until I got the request for it. Can I just say I am SO glad I did write it!  This is one of my favorite chapters of this imagine so far! Hope you guys enjoy!

xxx Kaley

It was Friday night and Niall had a rare night off. For the first time in months he didn't have an interview to attend, a song to record in the studio, a meeting with Modest to go to, or an event to attend. For the first Friday night since he went back to work, the two of you had the night to yourselves.

The two of you decided to take advantage of the rare night off and make tonight date night. The two of you had reservations at one of the best restaurants in London, and after that the two of you were going to come home, cuddle, and watch Netflix in your pj's.

You were so excited to get out of the house. It had been way too long since you did your hair, put some make-up on, and put on a nice outfit. You couldn't wait to get dressed up and look your best for your date with Niall.

That was until you started trying on outfits.

You had a couple different outfits laid out on the bed to try on. The first was a pair of dark wash skinny jeans with a cranberry colored flowy tank. You hoped the flowy top would help cover up some of the extra weight you had gained from the twins. You knew how ruthless the media would be if they noticed any extra weight on you.

You picked the jeans off of the bed and put one leg into the jeans. Then you stepped into it with your other leg. You pulled them up and they became harder to pull up once they hit your thighs. You wiggled and did an awkward little dance to try to get into them. You even jumped a couple times hoping that would help get you in them. After a minute or two of struggling you finally got them pulled up over your thighs and butt. But the next challenge would be buttoning and zipping them. You grasped the zipper between your fingers and pulled it up. You were relieved that you didn't have any problems there. But as soon as you tried to bring to two sides together to push the button through the hole and noticed that it wasn't going to happen, you sighed in frustration. Your favorite pair of jeans didn't fit you anymore.

You walked back into the main room of your master suite and picked up the second outfit off the bed, which was a black and nude colored lace dress. It was a nude tank dress with black lace overlay detail and black trim. It had always been a little big on you, but you were hoping that would work to your advantage tonight. You pulled the dress over your head and smiled when it felt like it fit okay. Then you reached behind you to zip it up. You smiled to yourself when you got it zipped without any problems.

You knew that you would gain some weight when you were pregnant. It was a healthy thing to gain a little bit of weight while you're pregnant. But you didn't realize how hard it would be mentally to not fit into any of your clothes. It was a lot harder on you than you ever imagined it would be.

"I love you two little ones, but mommy doesn't like not fitting in any of her clothes." You said as you looked down at your stomach. You ran your hand gently over your stomach and your eyes widened. You thought you noticed a bump that hadn't been there before. You ran your hand across your stomach and were sure there was a bump.

You hurried to the walk in closet where the full length mirror was. You immediately turned sideways and looked into the mirror. You smiled as you noticed a small bump sticking out. You had a baby bump.

Your lips curved into a smile as you stared at your reflection in the mirror. You were finally starting to show.

*Niall's P.O.V*

I pulled through the gate of our house and drove up the drive to the front of the house. I didn't bother pulling into the garage since Y/n and I were going to be leaving to go to dinner in a little bit.

I reached over and grabbed the bouquet of red roses off the passenger seat. I noticed Y/n had been feeling a little bit down on herself from the few extra pounds she had gained from the pregnancy. I was hoping a nice surprise like flowers would brighten her day.

I walked through the front door of the house and kicked my shoes off by the door. Then I went into the living room expecting to find Y/n relaxing on the sofa, but she wasn't there. I frowned and then headed into the kitchen. She wasn't there either.

"Y/N?" I called out.

"I'm in the bedroom!" I heard her voice call from down the hallway.

I smiled and headed down the hallway towards our master suite. I opened the door and was confused when I didn't see Y/n in our room. Then I heard her talking to herself in the closet. I walked over to the closet and leaned against the doorway as I smiled to myself.

She was standing in front of the mirror, looking absolutely beautiful. Her hair was down in loose waves and I could see a hint of makeup on her face, but it wasn't enough to be overpowering. It just enhanced her natural beauty. She was in a beautiful black and nude dress that fit her beautiful figure perfectly. Her hands were on her stomach and that's when I noticed it. She had a small baby bump that I hadn't noticed before.

She turned to face me and smiled when she saw the roses.

"Are those for me?" She asked smiling as she saw the roses.

"Yes. I wanted to brighten your day. I know you've been a little down on yourself lately.."

"Thank you, Ni! They're beautiful!" She said as she stepped towards me and wrapped her arms around my torso.

"You're welcome, Princess. I love you." I said as I wrapped one arm around her and placed a gentle kiss to the top of her head.

She let go of me and walked back over to stand in front of the mirror. Her hands went back to the small bump sticking out from her abdomen. I loved seeing how excited she was about the baby bump.

My lips curved into a big smile as my eyes took her in. I don't think I could love that woman any more if I tried. She has been there for me through all the ups and downs. She has supported me and stood by my side when nobody else has. She's been my partner and best friend for almost three years, and now she was carrying my first two children inside of her.

I slowly walked over to her and stood behind her. I wrapped my arms around her waist and rested my hands over hers on top of her belly. I rested my chin in the dip in her shoulder as I smiled at her through the reflection in the mirror.

"You have a baby bump." I said with a huge smile on my face.

"I know! I can't believe I'm finally showing!" She said. I could tell she was fighting back tears.

"See baby, you weren't gaining weight or getting fat. Your clothes just aren't fitting because of your bump. The babies are getting bigger and need more room in there!" I said as I turned my face and kissed her cheek. "I love you so much." I whispered into her ear.

"I love you too Niall." She said as she leaned back against my chest.

In that moment everything was perfect. I had my whole world in my arms.

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