Telling the Family: Y/n's Family

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You were so excited to see how happy the boys and the tour crew were for you and Niall. You knew they would all be so supportive while you were pregnant and on tour with them. And you knew you could get some tips about being pregnant and on the road from Lou, who traveled a lot during her pregnancy with Lux.

You were a little disappointed that you weren't able to tell your family in person, though. The next time you would see your family would be in at least four months when the tour was over, and by then you would be half way through your pregnancy and would have a baby bump.

You and Niall decided the next best thing to telling them in person was to Skype them and tell them, that way you could still see their reactions when you find out.

It had been a week since you found out that you were pregnant and you were dying to tell your family. Today was Niall's first day off since the tour began, and you were so excited because that meant the two of you could call your family and tell them the big news.

"Babe, you ready to tell your family?" Niall asked as he came over to the small table on your tour bus and slid in the seat next to you.

"Yes! Oh my gosh, they are going to be so excited, Ni!" You said smiling over at him.

"I know! I can't wait to tell them."

The two of you were currently on the way from Manchester to Glasgow where the boys' next tour stop was going to be. It was the first bit of down time the two of you had together since the tour began.

You and your sister had arranged to surprise your parents. You and Niall told your sister that you were expecting on the condition that she didn't tell anyone else. But you needed her to know so that she could help arrange the surprise. She had also wrapped the present for your parents that you sent to her. Today was their 25th wedding anniversary and they were both a little bummed that you were in the U.K. traveling with Niall and couldn't make it to the party. So your sister had come up with the idea to Skype you so that you could be a part of the party. You had also sent your parents an "anniversary present" which was how you were going to tell your parents that you were pregnant.

You and Niall sat together at the table on your bus staring at your laptop screen waiting for the call to pop up. You were a nervous wreck waiting around for it.

"Relax babe, she'll call." Niall said as he put an arm around you and lightly rubbed your arm to help stop the shaking.

"I can't help it. It's killing me to keep this from them! I just can't wait for them to find out! They're going to be so excited!" You said smiling over at him.

Finally after what seemed like hours (but was really only about fifteen minutes), you heard your computer beep as you received an incoming call from your sister.

You happily answered the call and your lips curved into a smile as you saw all of your family on the screen. Everyone was gathered in the living room at your parent's house.

"Hey everyone! Happy Anniversary mom and dad!" You said smiling at your parents.

"Hello sweetheart! Hello Niall! How are you guys?" Your mom asked.

"We're doing good! We're on the road headed up to Scotland right now." You said.

"That sounds lovely dear! You will have to send me some pictures I hear Scotland is beautiful!" She said smiling at you.

"I definitely will. How is everything back home?" You asked.

"Oh it's the same old same old. Nothing changes much around here." Your dad said.

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