Chapter Nine: Cause I'm Your Boy Friend, Nomi

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"You can't keep me here forever!" I exclaimed.

Jordan laughed. "Do I hear a challenge?"

I gritted my teeth. "I'm serious!"

Declan called back. "Naomi, it's for your own good."

"No it isn't!" I retorted. "And you guys can't lock me in here!"

"Actually, yes we can," Bennett said matter-of-fact.

I groaned and plopped backwards onto the bed. The guys were right behind the door to the room, leaving me for privacy.

I'm still in the same room I woke up in. Which I found out is actually Bennett's room. Which isn't all that surprising. What is surprising is this that it isn't Bennett's house, more specific, his parents's house. It's his condo. From what Jordan says, it's a bachelor pad condo. He lives here all alone with only a maid who comes here Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays. But where I am doesn't really matter to me anymore. What does matter to me is why I'm still here.

They're actually going to lock me in here against my will. I told them I'm feeling better now (well mostly anyway). I told them I'm fine going back to school. They told me no. I told them I'm fine going back home. They told me no. I told them I'm fine going to the bathroom by myself. They told me no.

The refused to let me leave this room. I can't miss another day of school, even if Jordan used his computer skills to trick both my parents and school. I'm itching at the classwork and homework I'm missing (it's a nerd thing), I can't ask anyone in school to tell me anything I missed (it's a Naomi thing). and I obviously can't ask the guys.

They're suspended for a three weeks. Yes, three weeks. I'm not surprised that they're suspended. I'm surprised they're suspended for a three weeks. Principal Barnes won't let them off that easily, especially what the three of them did that Monday. They should have gone for a month, maybe even two. People have been suspended longer for less. Once a couple's PDA (Public Display of Affection) was caught by Principal Barnes when they were in the janitor's closet. The both of them were suspended for two months on different times so they won't see each other when the other was suspended, they couldn't see each other for four months straight.

But Jordan explained to me that Bennett actually bribed Principal Barnes to suspend them for three weeks, one week each for the three of them added together. He said that she was "one tough cookie to break", his words, not mine. I won't be caught dead uttering those words. Bennett did the same thing he did with the Starbucks manager. Only Principal Barnes wasn't so moved by it until Bennett brought the price higher and higher. Jordan told me they both wore the best poker faces that you could see their faces in a dictionary. It wasn't until Bennett brought it to four digits times three that Principal Barnes's flickered and she gave in a couple of more dollars later. None of the three's parents were called into the school, Bennett took care of it all on his own. 

"Hey Naomi," Jordan asked tentatively from behind the door. "Are you still mad?" 

The pillow smashed onto the door. I heard a yelp that must have come from Jordan. I smiled in triumph.

"I don't know. How about you come in and see for yourself?"

There was a pause. "Nah, I'm good."

I glared at the closed door where the three of been camping out.

I threatened, "You're lucky there's a door between us-"

"And a floor, and a bed, and a blanket. Am I forgetting anything?" Jordan asked.

"Y'know, this counts as kidnapping, right?" 

"Being held against your will in a place you don't know?" Declan asked.

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