02| New girl

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"Five more minutes..." I mumbled, waving off dad's hands. I really don't want to go to school. Dad sighed and walked away, making me smile in victory. But, the smile didn't last long.

"Wake up Brook!" He exclaimed, turning on the bedroom lights. I squealed and covered my eyes with my blanket. I gripped it tightly as dad attempted to pull it off of me, but I was to weak to keep my hold. I cursed under my breath as I stood up and started digging through my clothes.

"Okay, I'm up. Happy?" I muttered. Dad nodded and walked out, heading to do the exact same thing to my brothers in the next room. I pulled out some light wash jeans and a white t-shirt, then found my black converses.

I walked into the bathroom and changed quickly, brushed my teeth and hair, put on a little bit of makeup, as I knew it Colin started banging on the bathroom door.

"Wait a minute!" I yelled, desperately trying to apply mascara on my eyelashes. This was almost the routine now: I would get to the bathroom first, then Colin decides he wants to use the very same bathroom that I'm in. It's super agitating, but I can't hit him. He's 20, four years older than me and planning to graduate from college before moving out. But, since he's 20, he's also way stronger than me.

I unlocked the bathroom door, letting Colin in. He pushed me out and quickly closed the door. I walked away before I could hear what made him so impatient, quickly walking back into my room to grab my fully prepared backpack. I picked it up and ran into the kitchen for some breakfast.

"Morning dad!" I said as I passed him on my way to the kitchen. He nodded as a response and held up a pot and a metal spoon. Sweet baby Jesus, please send help. Dad walked into the room that John, my second oldest brother, was still asleep in. I poured out my Cheerios, while dad hit the spoon harshly onto the pot to wake John up. Sadly, this is a normal school day for us.


I stepped into the high school that I would be attending for the rest of junior and senior year, and right away I noticed how severe people were already staring at me. My heart raced nervously as I walked through the crowd towards the door that was labeled 'Office room 1'. I just need to grab my schedule and get out, this is simple, I'll survive. It's not as if I'm... oh, wait. I am from completely another state.

"H-hi, I'm Brooklyn Harvey. I-I was wondering if there is a schedule f-for me?" I said nervously to the woman at the front desk. She nodded and look through a cabinet labeled 'H'.

"It was made just an hour ago. Here you go." She handed it to me and continued "Your regular junior class will be in hallway C, on the left side. Your locker number is 277 and..." She rambled on about how things worked here, which I was actually very grateful for. The only thing that stopped her was when the bell rang, which I assume was the first period bell. I thanked the nice office lady and walked out, gripping on my schedule with a shaky hand. Okay, I can get trough a day here! No problem.

I walked with a carefully slow pace towards the first hallway on the left. The influx of students in the overcrowded hallway was almost never ending, and I couldn't seem to move faster than five steps per minute. My impatience grew unbearable, so I started pushing myself through the crowd, earning a few hateful glares. My average body made my mission easier, but I was still walking super slow and gaining next to no progress.

"Hey, watch it!" A girl said sharply, pushing me to the side. I mumble curses under my breath, not daring to say them out loud. I hugged the wall closely and slunk last the slow walking students and finally into the hallway. Hallway C was no where near any better.

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