07| Antisocial

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We walked up to the house doors and rang the doorbell, the music coming from the inside vibrating my whole body. I started to rethink this whole thing. There would be people making out and dancing and screaming and doing stupid stuff. Then there'd be me, just standing in a corner. This wasn't a good idea.

"Hey, glad you made it! Come right in!" Nate slurred politely, making me slightly nervous. Wasn't the legal dinking age 21 here? I stepped inside and immediately was blind by the flashing lights and dancing people, the loud music making me shake involuntarily, and now I remember why I don't do parties.

Hugging the walls as I walked in, I witnessed everything I expected: randoms making out by the couch, people cracking jokes by the alcohol, which I'm sure is illegal, and a lot of dancing. I nervously shuffled over the snake table, my unusual best friend at any party.

My shoes clicked against the wood floor as I  paced back, keeping my eyes on Aiden, while he joined a group of friends he had made.

I froze as a hot breath on my neck gave away the presence of someone. I turned and saw an  unfamiliar face, smirking at me with eyes that show intentions of things I'd much rather not think about. Slowly, he walked closer and just as slowly, I backed away. Soon enough, I was cornered, cowering and trying to melt into the wall.

"Well aren't you just one fine piece of pie?" He asked with a sickly sweet tone, pressing up closer to me and holding my wrist so tight that I felt the circulation started to cut off. I swear I've seen him in my school hallways, but still couldn't quite put my finger on his name. Was it Jake? Josh? Julian? Leonard?

My small body trembled, though that might have been the music, as I felt his not-so-little friend trying to escape. Closing my eyes, I prepared myself to punch him, but somebody else got to do that before I could. I opened my eyes again to see that disgusting dude being punched in the face by... Alex? Was just inhaling the scent of alcohol making me loopy?

"H-he..." I tried forming words, but my vocal cords failed me and it came out as an odd combination of raspy hamster noises. Eventually I gave up, just sliding to the floor and curling up like I said I wouldn't do just yesterday to all of my brothers. I don't know why that sudden attention scared me so much, but I felt like I couldn't breathe, like I was getting crushed up and couldn't escape.

Alex knelt down beside me, giving off a slightly annoyed vibe. I don't blame him. But, I will blame him for his harsh words. "You could've dressed less slutty, you know."

My brain warned me 'no, don't slap him', but every other organ in me screamed 'SLAP THE DAM EGO OUT OF HIM!' And, I mean rule by the many, am I right? I raised my hand up and slapped him across the face as hard as I could, releasing a bit of anger and stress hat I had built up since we moved here.

"You really deserved that, too." I hissed, standing up. He balled up a fist and stood up. I wished he'd punch me, just so I'd have an excuse to leave. But, he couldn't. A friend of his put a restrained hand on Alex shoulder, telling him all about how I'm just a brat who doesn't have any manners. I scoffed.

"I have more manners than Mr. over here." I said sourly, walking off while gripping the wall as a balance. Why couldn't I have just gone with my sneakers? A familiar hand on my shoulder interrupted my thoughts, and I turned, ready to beg Aiden to let me go home.

"Maybe if you weren't so annoying, I wouldn't be rude." Alex said, his face dead-plan. I let out an exasperated sigh, trying to show him that I was over his insanely inflated ego, and shirked out of his grip to try and find Claire. Alex's steps matched mine, keeping two feet behind me.

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