12| Rejection

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"Well maybe if you knew how to choose your guys."

This won't be like a cliché story, right? I won't be going on a date with a boy who I think is absolutely perfect, only to find out that he's either a cheater, player, perv, or sadist just like how Alex semi-warned me about. Right? Right.

I blinked the thought away as I opened the door that led to the back parking lot. Maybe I can still get out of this.

The wind hit me strongly, but the sky was rather clear and it didn't look like it was going to rain anytime soon. I pulled my jacket closer around me and waited impatiently, practicing my words in my head.

"Hey, Brook! I guess you aren't going to chicken out." Mikel said, pulling up to the concrete platform. I swallowed and laughed nervously.

"Well, a-about that." I stammered. He won't mind, it's not like there aren't other girls out there, much prettier and funnier than me, who would die to go out with him.

"Yes?" His fingers drummed on the steering wheel nervously, matching up with my heart, which was cheering me on.

"I-I'm not going out with you, actually. I'm going to walk home, but yeah. The date is off." I said quickly. Silence followed my words. I coughed quietly, shifting my weight from one foot to the other.

"Oh, is this about your brut of a 'boyfriend'?" Mikel asked, referring to my lie at the party. I took a breath and shook my head.

"T-That was a lie." I admitted.

He rolled his eyes. "Your loss then, kiddo." He said before driving off, leaving me. I blinked several times. I just called off the plan. God damm it, Alex, why do you have to be right so often?

Now to get home. Without a car. I sighed and began my long journey back to my house, pulling out my demolished phone to use as a GPS. My mind wandered as I walked. What if Mikel goes crazy? What if he does something terrible? What if I...no, I didn't anything. Not yet, at least.

I pulled my hair into a messy ponytail while I walked, quietly passing a scary looking alleyway. How have I only been here for about a week and a half and already be rejecting some super cute guy because another one indirectly told me to? Am I really just that easily persuaded—

"Well, I see you haven't changed much." A deep voice said behind me. I cringed and started walking faster to get away.

"No thanks." I said over my shoulder as I felt his cold hand rest on my forearm. I turned myself to face the disgusting face from the party. I just barely escaped him last time. His dark brown eyes glinted, looking almost like a snake. "Leo, I told you already, leave me alone."

"Well it doesn't seem like you've got any angels watching you right now." He noted, ignoring my demand. I shivered, but it wasn't from the cold.

Why is it that I seem to be the one to attract the worst of the creeps?

"I wouldn't say that I'm an angel, really." I turned again to see Alex and groaned. I hate him, but it seems like I really can't escape him. Why can't some other person pop into my life.

"I wouldn't say it either." I snapped at him while he threw a punch at Leo. Déjà vu washed over me as I watched the fight. With my arm free, I guiltily walked away from the brawl to escape both of them.

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