Chapter 18: Cafe Date, Part 3

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What had he just said? Hoseok's mind started retracing the milliseconds that had just happened.

Over and over the question Taehyung had asked and his response kept replaying like a broken record, he was pretty sure he could remember what had just happened but his mind was trying to comprehend exactly why he had said it. 

Hoseok broke away from his thoughts when he felt a strong grip from Taehyung who was clutching his hand, the numbing pain already starting to be too much that he pulled his hand away from the warmth and let his hand circulate blood again.

He looked at Taehyung who was no longer looking at him but instead had his head bowed down. Hoseok could only see the top of his head as his face was hidden. Maybe Taehyung hadn't meant what he had said about the kiss and now things were gonna be awkward. What if this whole time Taehyung had just said that because he was still playing the fake boyfriend role? These thought infiltrated Hoseok's mind and just as he was gonna start apologizing and panicking Taehyung looked up at him. His eyes piercing him and silencing him all at once. The stare in his eyes was almost predatory, a look you only ever see when a hunter is staring at his prey. Hoseok shivered unconsciously, he had never seen that look in Taehyung's eyes before. 

"Did you mean it?", Taehyung's eyes locked directly to his and his tone was low and quiet, if they weren't seated so close Hoseok probably wouldn't have heard him. 


Hoseok was pretty sure he knew what Taehyung was asking but he felt nervous and under such scrutiny he needed to make sure he had understood the question.

"Did you mean what you said? About the kiss". Taehyung didn't hesitate in answering, his response was quick and crystal clear.

Hoseok looked away from Taehyung's stare, it was too much for him to maintain eye contact with someone that was staring so deeply into him.

Hoseok looked at his fists that were currently clutched in a tight ball over his lap. He wanted to tell him that he wasn't thinking properly and he didn't mean it, that would be the logical thing to's not what he really wanted. Hoseok slowly lifted his head again and stared at Taehyung who had not budged an inch and was awaiting his reply. 

"Yes, I meant what I said", Hoseok said in a whisper. He felt so embarrassed that he was basically telling someone he had just met a few days ago that he wanted to be kissed, and a boy at that. Maybe this was all a dream and he would wake up any second and regain his normal life.

Taehyung smiled. He smiled? Hoseok was confused, so he wasn't upset? 

Suddenly Taehyung stood up leaving Hoseok alone at the table. Hoseok watched the boy walk towards the front counter and talk to the waitress. He pointed at something towards the back and she nodded, he wrote something down and handed it to her. The conversation didn't last very long and he pulled out his credit card and paid for the food. Shortly after he finished paying she handed him a bag and waved to Hoseok who waved back, not sure what was going on exactly. 

Taehyung walked back to their table and put his hand on Hoseok's back. "Let's go, I asked them to wrap everything up, it's getting late and I know you sleep early".

Hoseok nodded and walked out the door with Taehyung by his side. Hoseok could tell there was something he wasn't telling him but it was true. It was a school night and he did have to get home to shower and study. They scanned their tickets and got in the crowded subway. Hoseok maneuvered past the multiple other people in front of him and ended up squeezing towards the back. Taehyung hovered close to him, only a few space separated them that every slight bump or jumpy motion from the bus was enough to bring their bodies close together. Hoseok could feel his heart beating fast and it made him want to avoid eye contact with the boy in front of him but if he wasn't mistaken then he was sure he could hear Taehyung's heartbeat as well. The sound was both embarrassing and soothing. It made him feel alive, excited, and anxious. It meant he was feeling something special, a certain something that he would never forget and knowing that Taehyung was feeling it too was something indescribable. 

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