Chapter 23: Saturday, Part 3

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Note: Everyone~ I'm so glad that you all seem to be loving this story and seriously I love reading all your supportive comments, like really really. Hopefully I can get the next chapter out by next week, thanks again for sticking around in this multi-chaptered fic ^^


Hoseok and Jungkook turned towards the door. They both heard as a deep voice called out.

"That must be Taehyung", Hoseok said as he started walking towards the door.

"Wait, I'll open it, you can go ahead and start setting up for the project, yeah?"

Hoseok stood there for a second, not really knowing what to do but agreed, he had left his papers, book, and pencils in his room.

"Okay thank you! I'll be right back", he said as he passed Jungkook and headed up the stairs towards his room.

Jungkook watched him walk up the stairs and then turned his attention back to the door. He sighed, pushing his bangs out of his way before opening the door.

The small traces of a smile fell from Taehyung's face when he saw who had opened the door for him. "Oh it's you..." he said, all hint of amusement gone.

"Where else would I be? I'm kind of part of the project, and Hoseok asked me to be here so here I am".

Taehyung crossed his arms over his chest, "yeah? well where is he?"

Jungkook just glanced up, motioning with his head towards the stairs before walking back towards the sofa and sitting down. When Mr.Kim had assigned him to partner up with Hoseok, Jungkook had felt this was his chance, the only moment he could spend some time with him without his annoying classmates or any other kind of pressure but that all changed when Taehyung had been added to the group, a slip up by their teacher. It was tough being alone with Hoseok, not just because Jimin was always around..but because he got too nervous and either acted like a complete jerk or a fool, never anything in between.

Taehyung closed the front door and walked to the living room, glancing up and seeing Hoseok looking down at them with a soft smile gracing his delicate facial features, books and pencil case in hand.

Taehyung couldn't help it and smiled back, boxy grin and all. He got down on one knee, his hand stretched up as if holding something towards Hoseok.

"But, soft! What light through yonder window breaks? It is the east, and Juliet is the sun. Arise, fair sun, and kill the envious moon".

Hoseok bit his lip as if trying to stifle a giggle, his voice gleeful as he decided to play along, "Ay me!"

Taehyung smiled even bigger, his expression softening when he noticed the fondness in Hoseok's eyes, 'wow he really is that pretty' he thought before continuing on, "He speaks, oh speak again bright angel! For thou art as glorious to this night, being o'er my head"

Hoseok shook his head, slightly covering his face with his free hand, a mixture of giddiness and shyness overtaking his expressions. "You really did your homework huh Taehyung?"

The boy in question got up from his kneeling position and shrugged, "it's the only way I'd be able to play the Romeo to your Juliet".

Jungkook who this whole time had been quietly watching the scene from his position on the couch finally made his presence known, "We didn't decide that you were going to play Romeo".

"Of course I'm playing Romeo" Taehyung stated, not once taking his eyes off Hoseok who started walking down the stairs, "if Hoseok is Juliet, then I'm Romeo, he even received a text from Romeo aka me".

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