Ch. 66: Sweet Creature

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"It gets harder when we argue, we both stubborn, I know."

Sweet Creature- Harry Styles

Mini A/N: I love the lyrics mostly in the song. So sweet. Really relatable to later in this chapter. Enjoy!


Dawn P.O.V.

"You're committing suicide." I hear Martinez say as I walk back into Jake's hospital room. I went to go grab a bite to eat, while I try to say hi to my mother, but she was still sleeping when I went in, so I came back here.

"What's going on?" I ask. Jake's eyes shot to mine. "Who's committing suicide?" Both the men stay silent at my arrival. I sit on the other side of Jake's bed and await their answers.

It doesn't come.

"Jake?" I probe him. "Remember no secrets."

"She sure got you whipped." Martinez mutters, but I don't pay any attention to him, but to my oh so lovely boyfriend.

"Fine." He sighs out. "I'm dueling Ledger for freedom."


"I'm going to fight him one and one, and order to get out of the Underground."

"You know it's not just that easy, kid. Let's say you do win, people are going to look up to you. And they'll want you as the leader, but that's even if you win. Ledger has only lost two fights in his life. Me and this other guy. The other guy is dead, and I beat Ledger when we were kids. Should have been 3 times but he cheated so.. and what makes you think he'll play fair-"

"Chill, Martinez. I'll make sure of it."

"What makes you think he'll even want to fight with you?"

"Because there are rules, or have you forgotten. And one of them being if someone wants to challenge Ledger for leadership, then they can takeover the Underground if they win. I however will pass it off to JC, and never see that disgrace place again."

"You're not even sure your going to win, hot shot."

"I haven't lost since that night you decided to not help me anymore. I've lost only five matches, in a span of two and half years. I think I'm fine."

"Oh really." Martinez chuckles. "So you're ready to fight tomorrow. Or did you forget that you have 6 bruised ribs, 15 gashes on your back, and your all fucked up all over your body?"

Jake stays silent.

"Jake, don't do this." I beg. "What is this going to solve?"

"This is the only way!" He raises his voice at me, and I flinch. He doesn't move or a make a note of that. "He has too many followers. I thought, it would be easier to kill him right away, but I simply can't. There would be a literal witch hunt if I did. This way, if I do beat him, they'll come to respect me. And when the time is right, I'll take my chance."

"And if you lose? What happens?"

"I'm not. I'm going to set a meeting with JC, and hopefully he'll talk it over with Ledger. I mean it's only fair. It's in the rules that we can challenge the leader for his throne."

Martinez speaks again, "Dennings, it isn't that simple-"

"Save it Martinez. You don't think I know you have your own organization." Martinez stays silent. "You will help me."

The fuck I will-"

"You will help me, or she will be raped!" He points to me. "She will be violated, and it'll because you were stubborn to help me. And Alice will be crucified for what she's done to Ledger." Martinez stays silent. "No one was behind you when you challenged him. If I have enough people behind me, I can win. I have to win."

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