Ch. 68: Loyalty

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Loyalty- Kendrick Lamar feat: Rihanna

"It's a secret society. All we ask is trust. All we got is us."


Jake P.O.V.

"Are you serious!?" Terry yells at me.

I pick up my car easily. There was no one insight, and there was no way in hell that I was going inside the Underground without backup. JC hasn't been found yet, but knowing Ronny- he'll find him in a few hours.

Currently right now I'm getting my ass chewed because I just told Terry that Ledger is in jail. Ledger knows about my relationship, but the reason why he is yelling at me is because-

"You can't beat him, Jake. It's impossible!"

I told him I was going to challenge him to a duel.

"It's the only way." I rest my forehead on our dining room table. My headache pulsing throughout my whole body.

"No it's not." He chomps away at his sandwich. I ate 3 already, and I'm still hungry. "You can... you can..." He continues to trail.

The other option is killing him, and that was my ultimatum but not everyone is behind me anymore. I know some are still loyal to me, but that doesn't mean that they won't cross me and kill me in retaliation. I have to prove to them that I could beat Ledger at his own game.

To fight.

"You know what I have to do." I raise my head once more.

"Well, I won't stand behind you."

"Are you serious?" My annoyance seeping through. I fling my empty paper plate at his now empty one. "Of all the shit I did for you. Of all my beatings. I shouldn't even be in this mess if it wasn't for you!"

"You know who I fought that day!"

"You were the cocky one."

"He was the same age as you, how I was I suppose to know he'd whip my ass."

"I can."

"He was 15, and how was I suppose to know it was Ledger's brother."

After JC and Terry fought; JC obviously won. But what made Terry's injuries even worse was Ledger and his goons beat him to a pulp. How dare he demand a match with his brother? How dare he? They beat the living shit out of him; ultimately forcing me into the Underground. I didn't know about this until a few weeks after I was reintroduced to Dawn. To say I was livid was an understatement. They beat him because he gave poor little JC a scratch.

"Besides the point, Terry. I'm asking you to be behind me. I'm asking you to stand up for what's right."

"It has to be your girl. You knew what Ledger was doing since the start, and now that it is your girl; he can't touch her."

"Yes! It had to be my girl. The other guys out there fighting with girlfriends- that's their choice. To let their girlfriends have sex with a creep. That's their decision, their choice. It's not mine."

Out of about over 100 members of the Underground; there's about 10 members that have girlfriends. How are their women okay with it is my question. The guys that are gay are lucky.. for now at least. I heard Ledger is starting to become curious.

"All on you, bro."

"You really don't give a fuck about me then."

"I won't stand here and watch you die. You know Ledger. Even if you somehow win, he will cheat."

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