Ch.70: Uprising

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"They will not force us. They will stop degrading us. They will not control us. We will be victorious."

Uprising- Muse

TW: talks of rape


Jake P.O.V.

"Are you ready?" Ronny asks me. We sit in the car on the outskirts of a nearby Underground. It's not where I fight. There are hundreds of Underground's over the country. There's three in California where I reside at. The one where I stay to fight is obviously under inspection. All Underground's are against each other. Sort of competitiveness in the name. Who fights better? Things like that.

Their leader's name is Braydon. Braydon Jackson to be specific. Out of the three Underground's, I can safely say he is the nicest leader. He's also the strongest. That could be debatable. Don't tell Ledger that. But I shouldn't care anymore.

We decided to meet here because both parties would know not to be ambushed, and if so then we'd have the third party- Braydon's people.

The plan is to talk to JC about the compact. He'll talk to Ledger, and we'll come to some agreement. I, at least need a grace period. I'm still aching from my beatings, and Dawn is emotionally distressed. It's only fair.

My phone rings. I turn my phone over to see Dawn calling me, but I immediately turn it off. I shoot her a quick text afterwards, so to not worry her. Afterwards I shut my phone off, I can't have her distracting me even though I do wish she was with me. Not at this location, but just to be near me.

"Let's go, Dennings." Ronny probes me. His bright blue eyes flicking to my car door. I relent as I sigh deeply.

This is all for her. All of it.

I step out the car, and follow right behind Ronny. I prevent myself to limp because it would look like I am a true wimp.

The gate system is the same. Knock a certain amount of numbers, and two bulky guys will open the door. The number of knocks are different for obvious reasons. How Ronny knows, I have no clue.

Instead of it being a long underground garage, it's quite literally under the streets. A sewer. By the end of the half mile hike to the entrance, my boots are soaked. I don't know how they founded this place, but it seems pretty hidden. More hidden then Ledger's Underground.

After Ronny knocks the amount of numbers, two bulky guys come out. There quite larger than Tame and Grayson; almost intimidating, but I have to remind myself that they probably don't even know how to win a fight. Guards are for show. They scare off anyone who tries to enter.

"We're here for the meeting." Ronny tells them. The bald one grunts, but let's us pass through.

It's so silent in here. Usually there are grunts and groans from the fights ahead, but there seems to be none at play.

"Who's the daring fighter?" The one with some hair mocks.

I guess words have spread that I've challenged a leader. It's something that is all at common with every Underground in the country.

"Me." I mumble.

"Shit, man." The bald one winces. "You look like shit."

"Thanks." I roll my eyes under my glasses.

"They're down the hall." Says the other one.

I nod.

Ronny whisper in one of their ears, but I don't know exactly what he's saying. However, I know what his plan is if this goes to shit...

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