Chapter 20

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My heart stopped as I watched Harry stride towards me. He had always had an air of confident masculinity that followed him wherever he went, which probably came from living his life in the public eye and even in this moment his shoulders were pulled back and his head was held high. But the look of terror in his eyes gave away his true feelings. To me at least. He had on a set of navy blue scrubs that lay tight across his shoulders. My heart swelled at the sight of him and I didn't know if it was because of my undeniable attraction to him or my elation at finally seeing him, here, in this room.

I didn't realise I was crying until he got to me and clasped his hands around my face.

"Jesus Nora, please tell me you're okay" He pleaded.

"I am now" I let a slow controlled breath escape.

"I'm so sorry sweetheart. I'm so, so, sorry" He brought his forehead to mine to rest it there as I tried to bring a hand up to touch his face but there were too many tubes and wires connected to my hand.

"Sshhh" He soothed "I left my phone in the car and then..." He trailed off as he began to pepper light kisses all over my face all the while whispering his apologies. "Christ, I got such a fright"

"It's ok. You're here now" I smiled as his lips eventually fell on my own and for the briefest second I forgot about everyone else in the room. For a split second it was only me and him and the heat gathered in my chest. Until someone cleared their throat.

"If you'd like to take a seat here Mr Styles, we can get started" Nurse Abel smiled as he wheeled a stool in behind Harry.

"Right" He sat and immediately wheeled it in as close as possible. "Are you okay? I'm so sorry you had to to through this without me Nora. You must have been so scared"

"Do you even know what's going on?" I turned my head slightly to face him. My arms were laid out like I was on a cross but Harry found my hand and held it.

"Allison updated me the second I got here. God I've never moved so fast in my life, I've just abandoned my car out there, I thought I was going to miss it" His breath came out in short, sharp bursts. I'd never heard him speak so quickly.

"Allison? Where did she go?" I asked, my head suddenly flailing about trying to see the door again.

"I'm right here Nor'" She called from somewhere behind Harry. I caught sight of her blonde pony tail and her beautiful, tearful smile as she popped her head around some machine.

I smiled as tears sprung to my eyes again.

"How're you doing Nora?" Dr Robbins abstract voice came from somewhere over the blue curtain as Harry's hand tightened around mine.

"Fine" I choked.

"Ok, you will feel a bit of movement now, it won't be sore, but you will feel me inside you"

"Ok" I replied as Harry placed a kiss at my temple.

"You got this baby girl"

I clutched Harry's hand tight at the most indescribable feeling. Dr Robbins was right in that I wasn't in pain but I could feel her inside me, it felt like she had both hands around my rib cage and was shaking for dear life. I gasped at the overwhelming feeling. It felt like someone was pressing on my lungs, restricting the breath I could pull into my chest.

"Are you okay?" I looked up into Harry's concerned eyes. The green was darker than usual, they didn't have the same specks of gold and hazel that they usually did.

"Everything okay?" Dr Malcom asked before I could answer Harry.

"Fine" I breathed, not taking my eyes away from Harry. If I could just keep my eyes on him, everything would be fine. His eyes crinkled at the side as he smiled a reassuring smile.

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