Chapter 28

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July 2019

Who knew packing for a tour could be so hard.

"How many packets of nappies do you think we'll need" I shouted through to Harry as I bounced Avery on my hip, staring in dismay at the open suitcase on our bed, half filled with Avery's crap. I surveyed the room and flinched at the mess I'd made. There were babygrows, outfits and vests strewn all over the room along with soft toys and teething rattles. How can a 4 month old need so much crap?

I'd been busy packing to leave on Harry's tour in 3 days, when Avery woke up a little earlier than expected. Which meant I was now juggling Avery while Harry and I passed each other like ships in the night, grabbing whatever we thought was important and stuffing it in to suit cases.

The problem was I'd never done this before. Not even for my self let alone myself and a tiny human.

"How many nappies do you think you need Sweetpea?" I cooed at Avery who was quite happy bouncing on my hip and chewing her fist.

"Harry?" I yelled again and Avery's tiny shoulders hunched in surprise.

"I'm sorry, Angel" I murmured into her soft wisps of chestnut hair. "But Daddies not listening and I have no freakin' clue what I'm doing here"

"A couple of packets will be enough" Harry's deep timbre came just before he entered the room, laden down with a whole load more of Avery's clothes.

"We will still have access to shops and stuff. We're going to Europe, not the Artic"

"Don't get smart with me Styles. I haven't done this before" I sighed, exasperated looking down at the suitcase in front of me. If only it would pack itself.

"I know, you're doing so well" He came up behind me and plucked Avery from my arms. "Tell Mummy she's doing so well" He cooed in his melodic falsetto.

I watched as Harry lifted her high into the air. His biceps rippling as he lifted her tiny body above his head in his worn, black t-shirt. Avery shrieked with joy as he lowered her to bop her nose with his then push her high into the air again.

The contentment was almost choking as I watched them interact. Harry's love for our little girl was seeping from him as he played with her and laughed at her little shrieks.

"Ok, that's enough fun for one afternoon, you little lady, are tired. Come on, Daddy will put you to bed while mummy finishes creating chaos with your clothes"

"Thank you" We shared a smile before he left me in peace.


"Harry, I'm nervous" I whisper as I glance into the back seat of Harry's Range Rover and check Avery's still asleep. Harry is wearing the same frown he has since we packed up the car and left for the airport 40 minutes ago. Tomorrow is the first day of his European tour in Basel so today we're flying to Switzerland and the frown on Harry's beautiful face is because somehow, someone has found out we're flying out today. So the word on the street, from Jeff, is there's already a small crowd gathered at the airport. And that's bothering Harry because of the little sleeping bundle in the back.

"Logistically how are we going to manage this? I'm a bit scared" I whisper the last part. I know Harry's brooding cause he's nervous. I know he doesn't want to do this with Avery but we don't have many options.

"I know you are, Sweetheart" Harry forces the frown into some sort of smile and reaches over the take my hand in his. "It's going to be fine. Jeff will meet us at the car with the security team. You take Avery and I'll be right beside you, Jeff on the other side. We'll get through it with no problems"

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