Chapter 24

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"I'll get her" Harry mumbled, tossing the cover back over me and getting out his own side. Being on autopilot, when Avery had started stirring this morning I'd automatically thrown the covers back without even opening my eyes. But at Harry's offer, I kept my eyes closed and pulled the warm quilt back up around my ears. I couldn't resist though and opened one eye, just enough to see a fuzzy Harry bend into the crib and pick up Avery his floppy hair falling forward over his eyes. He cradled her into his bare chest as he kissed the top of her head.

Our sleeping arrangements had never really been a subject for discussion. The moment we came home from the hospital I took up residence in Harry's bed. It made sense while I was recovering from my section that he be as close as he could. In the first few weeks home he had to help me with every night feed because I couldn't lift her in and out her cot without being in pain. At 8 weeks post-partum I was pretty much healed on the outside now but neither of us wanted to rock the boat. I think we were both enjoying sharing the night feeds, Harry getting up to change her while I got myself ready to feed, it helped him feel involved and I think it helped him feel like we were a normal family unit. I assumed he'd change his tune when he went back to work and had to get up at 7am for meetings or flights, he might value his sleep more then, but until then I'd take this arrangement.

"Go back to sleep" His early morning voice was deeper and more gravely than usual and it was by far the second sexiest sound that came out of his mouth, trumped only by his singing voice and now that he spent a high portion of his time signing to our daughter, I was becoming very familiar with his beautiful singing voice.

I snapped my eyes shut and grinned as I realised he was talking to me.

"Yes, Boss" I gave a lame salute and pulled the covers tighter around me and nestled into the warm bed, surrounded by Harry's scent.

I must have quickly fell back asleep because the next thing I knew I was waking up in agony. I looked at the bright light poking in from the edge of the curtain and I guess it was significantly later. I'd missed a feed and my boobs were like rocks, I blindly searched around the bed for my phone but I couldn't find it.

"Jesus" I winced as I gently sat up and looked at my chest. My boobs were like boulders, large and firm and bloody sore. I didn't even know the time but I knew I'd missed at least one feed which meant the milk was just sitting in my boobs, waiting to go, making them about 3 sizes bigger than they usually were and rock solid.

After visiting the bathroom I gingerly made my way down stairs, careful not to touch my chest. I needed to find my daughter and hope to god she was due a feed. When I opened the door to the living room I found Harry lying on the couch, his chest still bare in only his plaid pyjama pants as he sat with Avery on his stomach lying back against his bent knees.

"Look Ave's there's mummy, say good morn..." But his voice faded away as he finally turned to look at me.

In hindsight I probably should have worn something to cover myself up. At 8 weeks post birth my body was slowly venturing back to its pre-baby size. My stomach was still a lot squishier than it had been and I was definitely carrying a little more weight around my hips, but breastfeeding and all the water I was drinking was definitely helping me 'bounce back'. I hadn't thought to chuck a jumper or a cardigan over my black nursing vest and as Harry's eyes travelled down my bare legs I felt like I should have swapped my black pyjama shorts for at least a pair of sweatpants.

"Eyes up here big guy" I chastised Harry as his eyes continued to wonder the length of my legs.

He blinked and shook his head slightly. "Sorry, but your tits look..." His eyes widened again.

"Yes, massive. I know, please tell me she's due a feed. I'm about to explode here"

"They're amazing" He said in wonderment and his unhindered appreciation gave me a little buzz. After feeling nothing but frumpy for the past 2 months since Avery was born it was nice to feel appreciated, even if his ogling was verging on pervy right now.

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