chapter fourteen; home is a place in your arms

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"Hey, cut it out you wanker! You know that's my ticklish spot

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"Hey, cut it out you wanker! You know that's my ticklish spot."

We managed to fit on Roger's tight but comfy couch while the heater blasted through the air. The sound of Abbey Road by The Beatles played on the record player as my head laid on Rogers bare chest.


"Don't get me mad. Or I'm just gonna pee on you, Rog."

Some time had gone by ever since Roger and I had started dating. A couple of months actually. And somehow, I couldn't get enough of this precious sweetheart of a drummer. Although he was a pain in the ass at times, I was still obsessed.

"I can't believe I have to go two months without seeing your beautiful smile Aubrey."

Every time he reminded me of that, my heart would skip a beat. Queen had hit the charts in the United States. Which meant that they were going on a tour of America, starting tomorrow in Denver. When first hearing this news I couldn't be more happy for Roger and the band. But then I thought of it, two months with no Roger. Two whole months.


The smile on my face was slowly put off by the sad reminder.

"I promise to call every night, alright?"

"You don't have to do that. You'll be busy doing shows, partying, meeting new people. I don't know if you'll have time for me.."

"Aubrey, you're more important then all of those things. I will make an effort to phone you, I promise."


Roger put the smile back on my face, once again. I kissed his hand as it was wrapped around me. I felt so safe with him.

Home. Home was a place in Roger Taylor's arms.

"Wait I have something for you. Stay here! Don't move."

My curiosity took over as I leaned in to what Roger was up to.

"Hey, stay there!"

"If you say so.."

He took off the blanket that we once shared a sheer moment ago and placed it just on me so he could get up from the couch. The old wooden floor of his apartment creaked as he made his way quickly to the bag that was underneath the coffee table.

"Ta-da! I remembered it from our second encounter at me and Fred's market stall. I remembered how much you liked it, and how beautiful it looked on you. So here, it's all yours."

The yellow dress. He remembered.

"Roger, this is too sweet. Thank you so much."

I don't think I could ever understand how Roger can be so kind and sweet to such a weird girl like me. After all the pain that I've put him through, he still went out of his way to get me a beautiful dress. And the fact that I had to go two months without seeing his beautiful soul, killed me inside.

"It's just a little something before I leave to America. I hope you like it."

"I love it so much. Thank you!"

Here comes the sun
Here comes the sun, and I say
It's all right

I set the yellow dress down onto the couch and pull Rogers hands with mine. Pulling him into a dance with the nice mellow music. Although the only things I had on were my pijama bottoms and my bra. That didn't at all stop me from moving up and down to the beat of the music.

"This reminds me of something.."

Roger said as he stopped for a moment, to catch his breath from all the dancing.

"And what may that be?"

"I haven't heard you sing yet."

Roger couldn't have chosen a worse time to hear me sing. Right when I'm out of breathe and all sweaty.

"Now? You really want to hear me now?"

"Yes, before I forget again."

"Alright blondie, let me just get a glass of water and catch my breathe."

A few minutes later

And I don't wanna grow up
Sick of being told what I'm supposed to do
So I smoke and I drink not to think

Cause it's still lookin' like another sad sad summer for me
It's lookin' like another sad sad summer

"Wow geez, I haven't sung that in a while. Was I off-key? Cause it felt like a it and-"

"Aubrey, that was fucking amazing. Why didn't you tell me you could sing that?"

"I dunno.. I just didn't find the right time I guess."

"Well damn. I wish you could come with me and the boys on tour. I don't know how I'm going to survive without seeing you for two months."

"Oh how I wish it were that easy. But I have to go to Uni, work, then repeat. Y'know, the good old-fashioned routine."

It was true. I really wish I could've dropped everything and just gone with the boys. But my life here in London called for me. I couldn't just leave everything for two months and put everything on hold. I needed to be here.

"My love, let's enjoy these last couple of hours before our goodbye. Shall we?"

Hi all, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I have this whole book already planned out so all I need is time before it is completed (sadly because I love writing this.)
But anyways for those wondering, the faceclaim for Aubrey is Kelsy Karter. And that's her song Sad Sad Summer.
I love her so much and I'm hoping to see her live in March.
But that's all I have to say..
goodbye! ❤️❤️❤️

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