(25): First Kiss

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"What do you mean why am I single" I defend giggling "Why are you single? You've been single longer than me"

"College girls are boring" He shrugs.

I don't know how long we've been catching up but I know it's been hours and hours. Dad even had to call me because it was getting super late but he said I could stay longer since Jacob anyways lives right next door.

"So how long are you planning on staying single? Because you still have two more semesters" I tease.

"Just until I find the right girl" He answers smugly "I think she doesn't exist though. I have very high standards"

"Or you're just having trouble finding a girl interested"

He feigns offense "That hurt, Chels"

"What? I'm just saying" I laugh. "What happened between you and Isabella anyways?"

Isabella was another one of my 'friends' from around here. We weren't really that close. I was only friends with her because she had a thing with Jacob. I think I didn't like her because of that. I'm starting to think that my crush on Jacob wasn't as small as I remember it being.

"She moved" He answers "We broke up before she did anyways so I wasn't like hurt or anything"

"I never did like that girl" I blurt.

He looks at me skeptically "Really? You two acted like besties"

"We did?"

"Well you guys would have sleepovers"

I remember.

"Ohh. That was only because she needed an excuse to come to your house. You lived right next door"

"Oh yeah, now I remember" He snorts. "So you didn't like her because she used you?"

"Among other things" I murmur.

"You were jealous?" He teases curiously.

I wrinkle my nose "Ew. Never. You two weren't that cute anyways. Plus you weren't even a real couple"

"Yeah but she was taking time away from just you and I" He teases further.

"It was only that one summer. I had you to myself all those other ones" I defend exasperated.

He smirks "You loved that, didn't you, Chels?"

"Leave me alone" I start to blush.

Isn't it kind of too late to admit our crushes to each other now anyways? I don't think we need to do that. I'm pretty sure I'm over that.

"Don't worry, I also loved our alone time" He smiles looking to think about it "Remember that time we went to that party and you got drunk for the first time? I think we were both fifteen or something"

I nod, very sure I won't like what he'll tell me.

"I never told you this but you kissed me" He admits smugly and my eyes widen as I cover my face in embarrassment.

"I didn't"

I know he's not lying though. I've always had a feeling that something happened at that party that he didn't tell me about. I never thought it was this.

He nods "Yeah you did. I swear to God"

I smack his arm still shocked and embarrassed "Jacob! Why didn't you tell me, you freckled idiot?"

"You were drunk" He excuses.

"So? I deserved to know. You know I told this other guy he was my first kiss but it was actually you"

Mr Rude & Me (Undergoing Editing)Where stories live. Discover now