(66): Unsure

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"Why are you sitting all alone?" She asks looking at me.

She's always dressed so formal. She is wearing a long navy dress, white heels, a diamond necklace and matching earrings, and her brown hair is in a neat ponytail. She has light make up too which makes her look so much younger, or maybe she's just that naturally beautiful. I sure do wonder what she does for a living though.

I clear my throat remembering that she asked me something "Uh, I'm waiting for a friend to come pick me up"

"Do you want me to give you a lift?" She asks.


My eyes widen momentarily "Uhm, were you going that side?"

"I don't mind, darling" She smiles sweetly.

Seriously... how is she married to Jefferson Chambers? Speaking of... I wonder if she knows that he tried to kill their son. What if she does? Although, I really doubt it. It's not hard to see that she really loves her son and probably wouldn't accept such from her husband. But... what if she really does?

Stop it, Chelsea.

My phone beeps before I can reply and I quickly check it to see a text from Winnie saying that she's sorry but she's busy at the moment.


I smile meekly looking up "Uhm yeah. That ride would be nice"

"Good" She smiles back, enthusiastically, signaling for me to follow her out and I do that nervously.

Seriously... what am I supposed to speak about with her?

My eyes widen when I see the car she's about to enter. It's a big, silver Porsche and it looks damn beautiful and expensive. Woah.

"You can get in, darling" She chuckles after seeing my dumb-struck expression.

I clear my throat embarrassed at getting caught  before doing just that. She must think I'm some poor girl who's not used to flashy cars like that. She first puts in the food at the back seat before climbing into the driver's seat and continuing to drive away.

Damn, this car is amazing. I look around at the very light brown interior and can't help but mirror fascination and awe. It smells good too... like a woman.

"So, Chelsea" She starts, getting my attention "How's my son?"

Your husband tried to kill him.

I shake my head at my insensitive thoughts before saying "Uh, he's fine. Good"

"You two still live together?"

"Yes, ma'am" I reply looking at her wine-red nicely manicured nails on the steering wheel. I wonder how old she is.

She smiles glancing at me "Is he the one who gave you those marks on your neck?"

Oh my gosh. In that moment, I wish the ground would open up and swallow me.

I turn red immediately, choking on non-existing saliva "Uh..." I can't seem to find words to reply.

Mr Rude & Me (Undergoing Editing)Where stories live. Discover now