(78): Escape Plan

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"Let me fucking go!" I scream as loud as I can squirming as the guy tries to tie me to the chair again.

"Stop moving" He hisses.

I don't stop; I kick around, I scream, I fight. If I'm dying, I'm gonna die trying. I'm done crying and feeling weak. I'm a strong girl, I'm going to fight.

"Fuck, someone come help me with this one" The guy yells through the door.


A second later another guy walks in, who's as big as this one.

"You're struggling with this tiny thing?" He asks the other one.

"Shut up, Keith. She's clawing at me like a fucking bear. Help me out and stop speaking so fucking much" He snaps.

'Keith' looks at me before shaking his head "Stay still little kitten"


"Don't call me that" I bite.

He laughs harshly "I'll call you anything I want. And don't talk to me like that. I could break you like a twig right now"

This shuts me up.

They manage to tie me down again, with me fighting way less because Keith keeps giving me scary ass glares. What? He's scary.

"That's how you deal with a bitch" He says arrogantly.

I bite my tongue.

"Fuck you" The other guy curses.

"Do you guys know Kyle?" I ask suddenly.

Keith gives me a weird look "Why are you asking us that?"

"Because I want to know"

"Yes we do" The other guy replies "We've known him since he was a little boy. We're loyal workers of his father"

He's the nice one.

"Why does his father want to harm him?"

"Because he thinks he's better than us. He thinks he's too good to be in a gang like us. Now shut up and stop asking useless questions" Keith hisses "You know he's still not up, thanks to you"

I can't help but smirk.

"Oh this is funny?" He taunts and I quickly wipe the smirk off my face "I hope it'll be just as funny when he blows your brains out because we all know Kyle is not signing that contract."

I gulp scared.

"I'm hungry" I say instead.

"So what? We're leaving" Keith dismisses me and shoots a look at the other guy "Lets go, Daniel"

That's his name.

"She's hungry"

"So the fuck what? Our job is to make sure she doesn't escape, not fucking feed her" He retorts brashly.

Daniel sighs giving me an almost apologetic look. He's so sweet (kind of).

"Let's fucking go" Keith hisses.

Then they both leave. Great.

I really hope Kyle is coming soon because I'm about to lose my sanity in here. I'm literally just tied to a chair in an empty room. Who the fuck does that? I want to go home. I groan loudly, trying to break free from these stupid ropes but it obviously does work. They hurt so bad. Everything does.

"Well well well, alone at last"

It's Bones. Oh god, his voice is so chilling and horrible. Those tattoos are so scary.

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