Part 5

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Hobi Pov

I saw six people in front of the bed , I freaked out and then all the light went off , I was so freaked that I can't ever get out of my bed , I know I locked my door properly , then after few seconds the light turned on and there is nobody there , I got up from my bed and checked the front door and the windows they are all locked , I think that the six person I saw are just my imagination cause I am so tired and didn't take enough rest

I then went to my bathroom

to take shower because I am all socked in sweat , I turned on the shower and started to take bath but suddenly I feel that someone is watching me , I Know there is nobody except me in this house so I quickly bathed and wrapped a towel around my wa...

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to take shower because I am all socked in sweat , I turned on the shower and started to take bath but suddenly I feel that someone is watching me , I Know there is nobody except me in this house so I quickly bathed and wrapped a towel around my waist and went to my wardrobe

I took out pajamas to wear , I wear them and went to my bed and started using my phone the lights are all on due to constant feeling of getting watched

My eyes Start feeling heavy so I put the phone in the nightstand and lay down to sleep , after closing my eyes I suddenly feel someone presence beside me I can feel it's breathing in my neck , I started to panic when I moved to that side I saw a person he don't looked normal he as pale as ghost

When he opened his eyes his eyes were pitch black I screamed and feel from the bed ,  when I look at the bed there was nobody there

I freaked out so much that I can't even move , then I heard a voice behind me 

' Looking for me '

I jumped and look at the side where the voice came from and there was a men standing there having pitch black eyes , I then rushed to the bathroom and locked the door , then I heard singing

Now a men appeared looking at his face in the mirror out of thin air , ' he is not the same that was outside '  I thought  

I then left the bathroom and went to the front door , I tried to open it but it was not opening the singing can be heard that means he is looking for me , I again tried to open the door but no use it was not opening , I panicked and started to find a place to hide from them , I hit a person chest he is taller then me I looked at it and again it is some another person , he then disappeared

I am now in deep shock what is happening in my apartment ,  the singing started coming near, so I went to the kitchen and hide myself in a cabinet, the singing and footsteps can be heard coming  near and near

then I heard someone saying ' you can't hide away from us forever , we will find you ' and then everything stopped , there was no singing or footsteps , I waited for a few minute and open the cabinet door , I ran and opened the front door and it opened I then went straight to Kai's apartment that was not so far only a few blocks away from mine

I knocked at his door and he opened the door , he looked like he was sleeping

he asked ' What happened Hobi why are you hear  '

I told him everything that happened

I said ' There are ghosts in my apartment ' hearing my words he started to laughing

he said ' It's not the right time to pull up a prank on me Hobi you know that ghost doesn't exist '

I am now shocked that one of my best friend is not believing me , he offered me to stay with him for the night , I am  very disappointed that Kai is not believing me , I went to his bed and slept without saying any word he came and slept beside me

I wake up the next day , Kai was already dressed up for school

he said ' I will drop you to your place and then take you to the school and also Happy birthday Hobi ' with a smile

I said ' Thank you Kai now let's go '
we got in the car , Kai started the car and we went to my apartment , we went to my room , I went to the bathroom quickly freshn up and put on my clothes then I locked my apartment

We then went to our school ,we meet Jackson at the front gate of the school

he said ' Happy birthday Hobi ' and hugged me

I thanked him , I started  thinking about my grandma that how she was always the first to greet me happy birthday every year , I tried to hold back my tears then we went to our first class , the day went so slow

The school ended
Kai offered to give me a ride back home , he dropped me to my apartment , I opened the front door and went to my room but the feeling of someone watching is no more , I sight with relief I started to take off my clothes and put on pajamas
I then went to study table and started to study , after studying I went to kitchen and made myself dinner , I looked at the clock and it showed 7:35 pm , I ate the dinner that I made and wash my dishes ,
I started dressing up for my work , I closed the front door and started heading to my work , when I reached there every staff member greeted me and wished me happy birthday , I said 'thank you' to all ,
I put on my working clothes then started my work , I worked as a waiter , I like working as a waiter , everyone treated me very good , after doing my shift , I  said goodbye to everyone and started going to my apartment

On my way from my work to my apartment there were no streetlights so I have to use the flashlight of my phone , this was my first time going from this path , there on the path I saw a group of people who looked like bad people's , I tried to ignore them but then one man came in front of me , I looked down

He said ' Hey look up '

I didn't say anything  and then he pulled my chin upward and forced me to face him

Then he said ' look look what we have here such a beauty we should not waste this opportunity '

Hearing that my eyes got teary and I tried to run away from them , but one of them grabbed me by my waist and throw me in the corner

I thought I am now going to be raped , they surrounded me , I then closed my eyes and started to cry then I heard footsteps of them coming near me I looked up and when a man from that group tried to touch me , he  then started flying in the air , he panicked and then he fall harshly on the ground  , he fainted and then the same thing happened to all others I then rushed to my apartment and opened the door and went to my room

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