Part 9

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Hobi POV

I didn't do anything they had even kissed me , so hug was nothing
I just stand there then he come closer to my ear and said ' Don't ever fall for them otherwise it won't end up good '

I said ' They are just friends and nothing else , you are no one to tell me what to do or not '

I always see Kai and Jackson as my friends and have no feelings toward them , then I went to my room and took my phone that was on the nightstand , it was almost 8:37 pm , I opened my Instagram account and start scrolling through it then I stand up and went to my kitchen , the demons were not there so i started making food for myself while making food I felt a hand wrapping around me
It scared the hell out of me I moved to the other side and saw Jin

He said ' Why are you here '

I said ' To make something for myself '

He said ' you are not allowed to do that '

I asked ' why '

He said ' Cause you are very special for us '

After hearing this I felt surprised , I thought to myself that they are only here for my soul so why I am special to them
My food was almost ready so I take it and went back to my room , I ate it and again went to the kitchen to clean up the dishes then I hear Mickey barking in the living room so I went to see why is Mickey barking , there I see the six demons in circle and Mickey is in the center I quickly went there and carried Mickey in my arms
I then start patting it's head , Mickey seemed to be scared from them , I sat in the sofa and put Mickey on my lap , slowly Mickey calmed down and slept on my lap , I smiled seeing Mickey's cuteness


I saw Hobi smiling , he looked so cute when he smiles but his dog irritates us , whenever we come near that dog it starts barking , I just want to get rid of that dog but the dog makes Hobi Happy so I can't do anything to that dog

It hurts to see that Hobi is not happy whenever we are around him and I know the cause of it that we are demons and we are here to take his soul , I then look at the others they are looking at Hobi , I know they all have feelings for Hobi and it hurts when Hobi is sad , I then start looking at his facial features his hair, his eyes , his jaw line , his cute smile everything is so perfect about him

I then went to him and put my finger under his chin and made him face me then he start looking at me , I then gave a peak on his lips , his face turned red and then he looked down

Then all of the other demons said ' this is not fair ' in a same manner

He then ran to his room with his dog and locked the room

Hobi POV

Why are they always kissing and hugging me

Why I always blush instead of getting angry , I just don't know this feeling

I then put sleeping Mickey on the bed and lay down on the other side , I looked at the clock hanging on the wall and it showed 10:00 , I then took out all the thoughts from my brain and closed my eyes , when I start getting sleepy I felt a hand on my waist , I looked at that side and saw Suga with closed eyes I then thought can demons sleep , it's all so confusing

I then asked ' why are you here '

He said ' To sleep '

I again asked ' why on my bed '

He said ' Cause you are here '

I didn't say anything then I thought of Mickey , I had put it on the side where Suga is sleeping
I stand up to look for it but I got pulled by Suga an the bed , he then put the blanket on us and trapped me in his arms

He said ' That dog is not here I put that dog on the sofa and it is sleeping soundly don't worry about it '

He then kissed my forehead and closed his eyes , I tried to get away from his grip but then

he said ' don't struggle just go to sleep cause I am not letting you go '
I then stopped struggling and put my head on his chest to get comfy and then closed my eyes
After some time I start getting sleepy and slept on his chest

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