Part 8

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Hobi POV

When I wake up I thought they removed my soul from my body but they didn't removed it , I was totally confused why they didn't take my soul

I know demons are very cruel but what is the reason for not taking my soul

They are still in my room so

I asked them ' why didn't you take my soul '

All of them said ' We can't see you in pain '

I was shoked hearing those words
I said ' All of you care for me '

They said ' Yes '

I asked ' why'

They said ' It hurts to see you in pain , we just can't take your soul '

I said ' ok '

Again there was silence

Then Jin said ' We should give Hobi some space '

They stand up from the bed but before leaving all of them kissed me one by one in lips but not passionate kiss just a peak , I was a blushing mess at that time and when they leave I pulled the blanket on me and tried to get over everything that happened this whole week

I then took out my phone that was on my pocket and when I looked at it was 11 : 54 am in the morning , there were many calls and messages from Kai and Jackson cause I never missed class , they must be worried about me so I messaged them back that I am all right and I was a bit tired from yesterday's work so I do not come to school they instantly messaged me back and said me to take some rest then I put the phone on the nightstand and slept for a while then I wake up and went to kitchen there I saw Jin , I went to him and asked ' what are you doing '

He said ' I knew you must be hungry so I thought of making something for you and you can rest while I am making food '

I said ' ok '

Then I went to the living room and there I saw rest of the demons watching movie , the sofa was full so I sat in the floor near the tv , then I start watching TV

Then suddenly I felt a pair of hand on my waist  when I looked at the person it was V he carried me and sat on the sofa and put me on his lap , I wasn't comfortable at all but he start patting my head and playing with my hair which felt very good , I start getting sleepy once again but at the mean time Jin came with food and all my laziness went away , I start drooling and went to Jin and he gave me my food , I put the food at the table when I start eating food I saw that all of them are looking at me so I stand up take my food and went to them

I put one one spoon of food in their mouth and they ate it ,  I Know they said they don't eat food but eating alone is so akward for me , I then eat my food and washed the plate

Today was my day off at work so I can rest but I am not feeling tired and the feeling of six demons living in my apartment gives me goosebumps

I went to my study table and start studying , I was so lost in studying that I didn't noticed that all of those demons had gathered around me , when I put my books in my bag I looked around and they were gathered around me

I asked ' Something happened '

Jimin said ' How can you study for so long without moving a inch '

I said ' I love studying '

Then my doorbell rang ( dingdong )
I went to open the door and there I saw Kai and Jackson with some snacks they came inside and I closed the door then went to my room Kai and Jackson sat on my bed then

Kai asked ' Are you ok now '

I said ' Yes '

Jackson said ' I was so worried
about you '

I said ' Don't worry about me that much , you know I am very strong '

Kai and Jackson start laughing and I also laughed but I was wondering where those demons went , I haven't seen them since Kai and Jackson arrival , I shrugged that off and then we played pillow fight eat the snacks and talked about our day but I didn't tell them about those demons , I was very happy meeting them

Now it's time for them to leave so they said goodbye and take their leave

Then I closed the front door and came to the living room and those demons are again there , I went toward them

I said ' where were you when my friends came '

Suga said ' we were here the whole time but invisible so your friends can't see us '
he again said ' I think they are very close ' then he came and hugged me

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