Chapter 54 Arriving At Rouen

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The Song and Singer for this chapter are as follows:

Song Name: High Hopes

Singer Name: Panic! At The Disco - Brendon Urie

So without further ado here is another chapter of A LOVE LIKE NO OTHER.

Chapter No. 54

Austin's POV:

I was working on my laptop when my angel snuggled into me. I smiled seeing this cute side of her. She really is God sent angel to me because well, she's everything good. That I desperately needed in this world of greed.

Currently, we're on our way to my grandparents' mansion in Rouen, France. What Malie doesn't know is that we all have another surprise planned for her in two days. I really want this to be perfect for her.

We still have 2 hours before landing in Rouen. Grand-mère had been driving everyone nuts, because she wants to meet Malie. By the time I told about Malie they already knew about her through, Mom, Dad and the fact she's Lilly and David's daughter. They couldn't be happier that they are alright, happy and now that the family is complete.

Finishing my work so I can at least spend a couple of days without worry, I close my laptop and set it aside. Feeling Malie shiver I pull the comforter on her more. I can sense her tiredness, after all the first semester of her final year just started and she's already caught up.

Besides the previous few months weren't the greatest for her, I know she doesn't bring it up but it disturbs her the most. So this trip is exactly what she needs to keep her mind of things. And while we're at it enjoy ourselves. For the first few days she trouble sleeping. Consulting a doctor he suggested sleeping pills but they aren't a permanent solution, so it would be better to consult a psychiatrist.

After the experiences she has been through that was the last thing she wanted to do and was really reluctant to do so, but after convincing her, since she continuously started to have nightmares. It hasn't been easy for her. For everyone else's sakes she puts on a brave face, but to me she is an open book which I can read within ease.

I gently pull her closer her to me and she immediately cuddles up to me. Another habit I've noticed is that she sleeps much more easily knowing someone is with her. But mostly me. My fingers weave into her silky hair. I kiss her temple. I wonder if I am considered a creep to stare at my angel.

Well, I am her fiancé so to hell with what anyone thinks, at the same time the air-hostess arrives, "Mr. Theodore we'll be landing in 30 minutes, please put on your seat belts."

I nod and she leaves, "Mon ange..." I lightly shake her.

She pouts and I can't help but kiss her adorable pout, "Mon ange, we're about to land. You have to wake up." I say softly.

"Are you trying to wake me up or lull me to sleep?" She asks sleepily.

I chuckle, "Come on, you have to wake up." I kiss her hair.

Sighing she wakes up, and looks towards me and then glares, "You didn't sleep one bit did you?"

"I had some work to care of. I want to spend some days completely work free so thought to finish up now." I reply.

"You could've woke me up earlier to keep you company!" And now she acts like a child.

I only shake my head in amusement, "I knew you were tired, besides your work has been really hectic, so I thought you needed the sleep."

"And you also know that I am not going to be taking anymore projects for the time being, so it's alright even if I was awake." She argues back.

"Ange you know that you're not gonna win this. So why try?" I ask raising an eyebrow at her.

"Fine! Let's just go back to our seats" She huffs.

I silently chuckle at her cuteness, I honestly wonder what good did I do to get someone like her spend my life with?

We landed sometime after 7 in the evening. The driver was present to receive us, sitting in the back of the car, I pull Malie to my lap, "So chérie what do you think of my hometown?"

"One word... Beautiful!" She squealed.

I smile at hearing her words, "I'm glad, tomorrow I'll take you sight-seeing. How does that sound?"

"Amazing! Oh gosh, I always wanted to visit France but except for work I could never really come."

"Well, than that's actually great. I can be your guide." I chuckle.

In almost 20 minutes I spot the mansion of my grandparents and the memories of my childhood days rush to my mind. It's a rustic mansion, but very well maintained.

Passing the iron gates and stopping at the main stair case which leads upwards to the main double door. It has an intricate design and is caramel brown in color. Different than normal colors but the color was chosen by grand-mère. Stepping out Malie is quiet and takes hold of my hand and suspect that she's nervous even though I haven't turned to see her.

I put my arm around her waist, "Mon ange don't worry, and they'll love you."

We walk up the stairs and before I can even ring the bell the door opens and stands grand-mère looking a bit angry, I wonder why, "You're late petit-fils." (TR: grandson)

I chuckle, "Je m'excuse grand mère. Nous avons laissé un peu plus tard que prévu." (TR: I apologize, grandma. We left a bit later than planned.)

"Ce n'est pas une excuse, petit-fils! Vous visitez rarement vos grands-parents âgés." Mamie huffs. (TR: That's no excuse, grandson! You rarely visit your aged grandparents.)

I shake my head in amusement and go forward to hug her but she avoids me and instead hugs Malie, "Oh my goodness! Tu dois être ma douce petite-fille! Vous êtes absolument adorable, maintenant je comprends que mon petit-fils est amoureux de vous." Mamie gushes. (TR: You must be my sweet grand-daughter-in-law! You're absolutely adorable, now I understand my grandson is in love with you.)

"I'm sorry but I'm completely lost..." Malie replies after mamie lets her go.

"I apologize child, what I said is that I understand why my petit-fils fell in love with you. You're really beautiful and look like the exact replica of Lilly." Mamie replies her strong French accent present.

At that Malie blushes, "Thank you, Mrs. Theodore. It means a lot to me."

Mamie just laughs, "Oh sweetie, please call me grandma or mamie as my petits-enfants call me. Now come along, I've been waiting all day for both of you." (TR: grand-children)

Putting my arm around her waist, I whisper into her ear, "And this is my a little bit crazy grandma."

Malie elbows me, while mamie comments, "I already love you dear, and at least you can keep Austin in line."

On that comment I pout at the two woman, they look at each other and burst out laughing. Gotta love my family, now I can definitely feel my dad and papi.

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