Chapter 60 He's On Stage

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So the song and singer for this chapter are as follows and yes this is the continuation of the engagement chapter but it wasn't in my mind to name it the second part that's why its name is different! Hopefully, this chapter will exceed all your expectations! 

Song Name: I'm Ready

Singer Name: Sam Smith and Demi Lovato

So without further ado here is another chapter of A LOVE LIKE NO OTHER! 


Chapter No. 60

Amalie's POV:

Mommy, Mom, Dawny Mom (as I call her now), and Grandma had left leaving us girls behind. The girls wanted to make sure that everything was okay.

"So what do you think of my design?" Lil asks while checking my dress that it was okay.

I smile softly, "It's gorgeous, Lil, I honestly don't have words for this design."

She smiles back, "Well I'm glad to hear it. To be honest I still felt that it may be a bit incomplete but Austin and the others said that it would mean that I'm not considering your feelings. But all I wanted was to express my thanks, love, and gratitude by designing the best dress the world has yet to lay eyes on."

I get up from my seat and go towards her engulfing her into a hug, "Lil, this is the best. I love to no end. If I had words I would definitely express my feelings which I'm feeling right now. But if I did then I think my moms' will kill all of us for making my make-up ruin. So yeah." I sniffle than continue, "Also there is no thank you or gratitude between sisters. Not now not ever." I pull back and look into her eyes while saying the rest.

Now she has tears, "Okay, you both are gonna make us all emotional, and today's not even the wedding day! Get a hold of yourselves, girls!" Scar says coming towards us.

We both turn to and nod. One by one everyone leaves and I'm the last to leave. Standing at the top of the stairs I see all of my family gathered at the main entrance. They all stop talking since it's the first time the guys and my Dads' saw me they all look astonished.

But the most shocked of them all is Austin, but he gently smiles my way, I descend the stairs careful of my dress. Austin meets me at the last step and puts forward his hand for me to take. I slide my hand into his and when can this guy do anything normally?

Yeah, you guessed it, he pulled me forward, towards him, resulting in me losing my stepping, colliding into his chest. As if automatically his arms wound around me, I lightly slap his chest.

"Can you ever do anything like a normal guy?" I try to glare at him but his devilish smile can't make me mad for long.

"When it comes to you, I doubt it. You tend to take my breath away quite literally." He whispers a notch lower which makes me shivers but in a good kind of way.

He placed a kiss on my forehead and stared at me before saying, "You're absolutely breath-taking... I wonder how many people I'll have to kill tonight..." He sighs and that too seriously.

I look at him in question, "What the heck?"

"Well because every male species eyes would be on my fiancé and that's the one thing I will never tolerate." Austin says seriously.

Here you have it everyone, my possessive, overprotective fiancé, but then again I wouldn't change it for a thing, I only shake my head at his antics. I feel his hand on my cheek, making my eyes meet his dark stormy ones, "I wonder how I got so lucky to have such a wonderful woman as my fiancé?"

His palm on my cheek and thumb lightly rubbing on my cheek, I look beside him to see we're the only ones left, "The same way I was lucky to have a man love despite all the trouble I seem carry with myself." I smile softly.

"Mon Ange, remember this, you've never carried baggage or trouble as you put it. You were just the wrong person in the wrong and sometimes the right situations. You own my heart and soul, even without you knowing it. So now I want to let the entire world know that you can and will forever belong to me. I can't even dare to imagine my life without you." With that, he captures my lips with his.

It's a soft kiss just conveying his feelings for me and I return them with equal love. He truly understood me when I was even afraid to confront or take shelter even to my own self. I was afraid the world would take advantage of me if I ever revealed even a tiny bit of weakness. But Austin made me confront and take in him. He became my pillar of support with or without realizing it. We break apart and his eyes are filled nothing more than love. A bit of lust but is overpowered by love.

"Let's go, Ange before someone decides to barge in on us." Austin chuckles I join him.

He wasn't kidding when he said he'd kill anyone with having a wrong glance towards me. I had to stop him many times. But that didn't stop him glaring at them. So yeah major of them avoided talking to me.

"Congratulations! Austin Theodore never thought I'd see the day you'd be settling down." A man says coming towards us. He's wearing a black dress shirt and black pants, his coat is neatly folded and in his arms.

He radiates confidence, I look towards Austin and his smile widens, "Ashton Colton! It's been a while I've met you. Where did you disappear to? The hottest gossip for the media suddenly disappeared in thin air."

The guy Ashton only chuckles, "Yeah man, I had some family matters. And remember the girl I mentioned I'm head-over-heels in love with?" Austin nods immediately, Ashton continues, "Well I finally have her reciprocating my feelings. It wasn't easy but really worth it."

"Wow man, congrats! When can we meet your dream girl?" Austin says.

"Actually, I brought her with me. Austin, Amalie, meet my girlfriend Saira Dowson." Ashton says.

A girl who looks about 18 no more than that steps forward. She wearing a beige color floor-length dress with spaghetti straps and it had shimmering detailing chest and the flowing length towards the end. Her hair is unique as in platinum blonde, I wonder if it's natural?

"Congratulations Ms. James Mr. Theodore. I've heard a lot about you guys from Ash." She smiles softly.

I smile back at her, "No need to be formal. Call me Amalie. And thank you." The guys engage in their own conversations and we decide to talk as well.

I find out that she and Ashton have met in the form of that he loves her head over heels and she hated him with the same passion. But it turns out that he wasn't the person she needed to hate so, in the end, his love won over her. Also, she's thinking of becoming a pro chef since it was her childhood dream and Ashton full-on support her. I'm really happy for them. I look around for Austin but can't seem to find him.

"If you're looking for your dear fiancé, he's on stage." Saira says pointing towards the stage.

I look at her pointed direction and indeed spot him, "Ladies and gentlemen, I never do this but this is for a very special someone in my life that made me feel love and emotions that make my heart beat radically all the time. So today I'd like to confess my feelings all over again."

With that Austin puts the mic back on the stand and someone of the staff hands him a guitar. Oh my goodness! Is he about to do what I think he's going to do?

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