Chapter Thirteen

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Harry was just coming down from the high of getting a spell right first time when he was ambushed and dragged into a small alcove behind a tapestry. It was dark as pitch and Harry's breaths came out in strangled pants of terror- was someone angry with him? Was he going to be hurt?

'Lumos!' a voice he recognised whispered behind him.

'Lumos!' a similar voice whispered in front.

In the soft glow of their wand tips, the grinning faces of the Messers Fred and George Weasley came into view. Harry stopped panicking, sliding his wand, which he hadn't noticed drawing, back into it's holster.

'Hullo Harrikins!' They said in unison, and Harry hadn't realised just how strange it was to be thrown behind a tapestry until they acted just like they had on the train.

'Fred? George? Why did you drag me behind a tapestry?' Fred, Harry guessed, grinned in front of him, and he was sure his other half matched the expression behind.

'We heard a rumour,' said George,

'Nothing more than heresay we're sure,' added Fred,

'that you, my good sir,'

'Are the youngest,'


'In a century.'

'Congratulations!' they finished in unison. A small smile graced Harry's face, and he wrung out his hands on his robes.

'Yeah, I was made Ravenclaw Seeker this morning. Why does it matter?' A hand ruffled his hair from behind, and Harry hoped the subsequent blush was hidden from the soft Lumos.

'We're the Gryffindor beaters, of course.'

'So we're your direct competition.' Oh, were they here to scope out the new addition to the team? Scare him? Rough him up so he couldn't play so well? Harry quite liked the twins and was severely afraid of the thought that their kindness was all fake.

'Of course Wood would never let us go easy on you,'

'Even if you are an ickle firstie,'


'We might anyway.'

'After all, our dear Ronald has been quite rude to you,' Harry felt warm at the sentiment, a soft glowing flame that felt oddly like his Mother Magic's caresses when he was stressed or upset.

'Thanks guys, but I'm sure I don't deserve it- It's not like you control what Ron does or says.'

Fred sighed dramatically

'If only my little Potter!'

'Tis but a shame that compulsions are illegal,'

'After all the world over would benefit from him keeping his mouth firmly shut.' Harry giggled, pressing a hand over his mouth to supress the childish glee. These boys were certainly funny.

'Enough waxing poetic Forge,'

'You're right Gred, I'm sure Harrikins doesn't want to be late for lunch.'

'That indeed, but of course, if he does want to find us again,'

'If he does, all he has to do is come back here and say our names.'

'That simple? My what a work of genius Gred!'

'You're most correct Forge, only the infamous pranksters of Gryffindor could have come up with something so clever.' George winked at him, whispering Nox as both their wand extinguished their light, and Harry was pushed out of the Tapestry. Shaking his head and mulling over the strange experience, the youngest seeker in a century walked to the Great Hall, greeting Draco whom he hadn't noticed was rather late to lunch himself.

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