Chapter Twenty

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November slunk behind December like a wounded animal, cautious and bitter. The weather was as horrendous as any Harry had ever seen, and he was eternally grateful to the Ravenclaw fourth years that taught the lower years the impervious charm, so he could at least walk in the cold without being soaked to the skin. Draco was jealous that the Slytherins never acted like that, all cold words and sharp edges, but at least he could navigate it as easy as breathing, and that, Harry was jealous of.

As the November rain gave into frozen slush, and the festive decorations began to fill the halls Harry's mood was uplifted. He was excelling in potions, with the proper guidance and tutelage of a professor that did not hate him, his friends seemed to get along famously, even Hermione, who now seemed to fit better in the group than ever before. The Yule holidays were looming, and Lady Magic's promise of meeting more of their extended weird little family filled him with waves of sparking excitement that made him grin when no one was looking. It seemed that it was most of the group that were staying at Hogwarts for the holidays. Draco was going home to his illustrious manor, and Hermione was desperate to visit her parents and tell her about her crazy adventures in person, and not over letter, and many of the Weasleys, including Harry's personal favourite- the twins, were staying as their parents were going to Romania to visit their oldest son, Charlie. Unfortunately, this also meant his least favourite, the loud, brash and obnoxious Ronald Weasley, was also staying. But that was okay, Harry wasn't nearly as bothered about the first year's presence as he probably should have been.

Tonight was the last night with all the school in the castle, and once again Draco was pleading with Harry to spend Christmas at the manor, Harry had half tuned him out, reading a rather good chapter about the ethics of blood wards, but there was not a book in the world that could stifle the presence of a Malfoy, and so Harry sighed, pushed his glasses up the bridge of his slim nose, and looked towards the blonde with an exasperated expression.

"Honestly Draco I can't. Your father probably hates me, I know it, he knows it, Merlin, even Padma told you it was a terrible idea. I'd love to spend Yule with you, but I would much prefer being around only people that like me."

"He'd be on his best behaviour though, I promise." Harry gave the slytherin a look that promised pain if he didn't stop, and somehow it must have struck a chord with Draco, because he finally relented. "Fine. Fine! It's your loss honestly, Father's peacocks are amazing, and the grounds are most beautiful when covered in snow. But I suppose, if you're really that sure father doesn't like you we'll have to settle for letters over Yule." Draco huffed and draped himself over a plush chair in the Ravenclaw common room like he was more liquid than person. Him and Neville were almost part of the furniture these days, as there were no rules about other houses coming in, as long as they knew the answers to the riddles, and Draco, however annoying he could be at times, was incredibly sharp. Harry smiled, triumphant.

"I'll send Hedwig with my present, you're going to adore it I promise."


Harry woke on christmas day already dressed in his finest pyjamas, as he couldn't bear to wait even one moment before running into the common room. Padma, and her twin Parvarti, who had moved into the Ravenclaw dorms overnight, were already waiting, and the massive pile of presents was larger than any Harry had ever seen.

"That's an insane amount of presents. The elves did an amazing job." He said, eyes still wide as they drunk in the scene. The massive fir tree was decorated with all sorts of blue and silver baubles, little porcelain doves that perched on some trees, chirped, and flew around in circles as if they were truly alive. Definitely Flitwick's work then.

Three large piles of wrapped presents were set apart from the large ones by the tree, and it was clear the Patil twins had been awake much earlier than he was, no matter how early he had risen.

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