chapter twenty-three

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I'd been at Harry's for the second night now. Instead of falling asleep on the couch, he'd offered me the guest room. Of course I obliged gratefully but for some god damn reason I was only able to get 2 hours of sleep.

Part of me knew why I hadn't got that much sleep, but I could never admit it out loud. My stupid self had gotten too comfortable sleeping with Harry on the couch and I'd missed the warmth of his body against mine.

I wanted to know whether Harry had been able to get any more sleep then me, but I was afraid of his answer. I knew he would have been able to sleep fine and I couldn't risk bringing up another awkward conversation about how he slept again.

Harry and I were sitting on his large L shaped couch again, waiting for our Chinese to arrive. After not getting enough sleep I couldn't be bothered cooking something up and Harry and I had left it too late to make something anyway.

I looked over to Harry who was staring outside, gazing at the view. I desperately wanted to be sitting out on his deck, staring over the amazing view with the cool breeze hitting against my face. Expect that there was not much of a view and definitely no cool breeze. Instead it was pouring down heavily with rain and there were plenty of grey clouds low in the sky.

I turned my attention back to Harry. His eyebrows had formed a deep V and he looked like he was thinking hard. My eyes flickered down to his fingers that were twisting at his rings once again. I guessed he'd started doing this when he was thinking and I couldn't help but wonder if he'd picked it up from me.

I nudged him with my foot to get his attention. "What are you thinking about?" He eyes stayed on his rings and he opened his mouth to say something before closing it again. 

Now realising that something was definitely on his mind, I scooted over to him and sat beside him, crossing my legs and grabbing his hands to stop him twisting at his rings and look at me.

"Harry?" He looked up to me and this time he didn't look away.

"We've been asked to perform at the X factor and I was wondering if you could come. It's going to be our last performance and it's next Tuesday. But you don't have to stay until then. I can fly you back out soon and then fly you back over here. I just thought you could come. Unless you don't want to come then that's fine. I can just-"

"Harry" I chuckled, interrupting his rambling. "I'll be there" I gave his hand a small squeeze in mine. "I will need to get back to the cafe before then- but I can pay to fly there and back. I might not stay there for long, I'll just have to check on how everything's going. Molly and I have left Avery in charge and I got a message from Max saying he's getting really sick of her rambling on about the drama within her friend group" 

Harry let out a chuckle and nodded his head just as the sound of a buzzer was heard. I shot my head up and looked around the living room to find where the noise had come from. Harry let out a loud laugh and I turned back to him.

"That was the front gate" He said. "I'll bet you it's our Chinese" 

As soon as he mentioned the word Chinese I had kept hold of his hand and was up and off the couch, running to the front door.

I opened his door but didn't leave. Instead I turned to face him, letting go of his hand in the process. Harry was shaking his head and laughing, obviously at my excited state for our dinner.

"It's raining" I told him.

"And that's exactly why I'll stay here while you retrieve our food" Harry said with a clap of his hands.

"Hell no" I said with a mischievous grin. I grabbed his hand once again and pulled him out of the door with me.

Our hands instantly intertwined as cold and fat water droplets began saturating us straight away.

We began running towards the gate, our hands still locked in one another's as we laughed uncontrollably. Harry's driveway was huge, making our time outside longer then it needed to be.

As Harry and I stopped beside the car, the man in the front rolled down his window. He had an unamused expression on his face, most likely due to the fact that Harry and I looked like two giddy teenagers laughing over something so stupid.

"Thank you" Harry said to the man as I took the plastic bag with our take out boxes inside. I had to hold in my laugh over how grumpy the man was whilst Harry handed him some cash. The smell of heavenly Chinese instantly wafted from the bag and I couldn't stop myself from peeking inside. "Keep the change"

The man made a grunting sound in response before he rolled the window up and drove away from Harry's front gate.

My hand absentmindedly went to reach for Harry's but when I looked beside me, he was no longer there. I turned around just as Harry picked me up and threw me over his shoulder.

"CHARGE!" Harry shouted as he began running back across his driveway. I was unable to hold back the laughter that erupted from inside me, and by the sound of it, Harry was too.

We were only half way across his driveway when the plastic bag became soaking wet and slipped from my grasp.

"Harry the Chinese!" I shouted in between my laughs as fat water droplets continued to soak my hoodie.

Harry continued to laugh as he turned around. But instead of going back for the food he ran around in every direction with one hand extended outwards like a planes wing and the other holding me over his shoulder.

"Harry!" I laughed as he continued running around. 

"Emily!" He mocked with a laugh. He finally thought he should put me down and he slipped me down from over his shoulder so I landed in front of him.

I was now able to see his long curls were saturated with rain and were sticking to the sides of his face. He had water droplets dripping down from the ends of his hair and running down from his forehead. I didn't even want to think about how ungodly I was looking right now and let out a loud laugh.

"Are you laughing at me?!" Harry said dramatically. I closed my mouth and sat my hand over my mouth, trying to muffle out my laughs. Harry grabbed onto my hand, pulling it away from my mouth and interlocked it with his.

I looked up from my hands and into his eyes, suddenly noticing how close we were to each other. I could feel Harry's hot breath against my forehead as he was catching his breath from all the running. We both fell silent and the only sound heard was the patting of raindrops hitting the concrete and our quiet breaths.

His eyes flickered down to my lips and then back up again. His tongue quickly ran across his top lip, swiping away the raindrops, and flickered back down to my lips for the second time, as though asking for permission. I nodded my head ever so slightly before our lips crashed into each other halfway, molding together perfectly.

We were like two pieces, finally linked together to complete a puzzle. It was like fireworks were going off. There was so much emotion as our lips moved in sync. It was too much. The smell of his heavenly cologne. The taste of mint flavoured gum on his lips. His cold rings now cooling down the back of my neck. 

Our hands were everywhere. His traveled from resting against the side of my face, to my dripping wet hair and then down to my hips and winding around my waist, pulling me against him. My hands went from his sitting on his now see through and drenched white top, to around his neck and then tangling into his saturated curls. His tongue was exploring the inside of my mouth as he continued to hold me against him.

Finally we pulled away ever so slightly to catch our breath and Harry rested his forehead against my own. 

"What're you doing to me Emily Mosley" He mumbled against my lips. 

"The exact same thing your doing to me" I said before he crashed his lips against mine again. 

Everything in this moment reminded me of something you would see in a romcom. A boy and a girl, both kissing in the rain and holding on to each other like our lives depended on it, whilst our take out lay forgotten on the ground ahead.

Finally! We have contact! The next chapter is going to be crazy!!! 

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