chapter forty-four

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Two days. It had been two days since I'd gotten on a plane and left Emily without even a kiss goodbye. And of course, my idiot of a self was only realising now how much of a dick I was and have been. 

As soon as the plane landed and I was out of the terminal, I'd gotten a message from Em, obviously being sent while I was on the plane. But of course, I was too annoyed and frustrated to talk to her then, that I ignored her message and just went straight home.

And now here I was, sitting on my bed with the thought of me being a dick to accompany me. 

I don't know why I had suggested moving in with me like that, why I left her with only an 'I love you', why I got on a plane and ran away from our problem and why I was only realising I was the worlds biggest idiot now. But I did know, I was going to get of my arse up and actually do something about it.

I was going to fly back to Ireland.


Two days. It had been two days since mine and Harry's fight. Two days since Harry got on a plane and left. Two days since I'd messaged him that I never got a response to. And it was only now, that all my anger was rising up inside me.

Harry had left. He'd run away from our problem. And when I tried to do something about it by telling him to call me, I'd gotten ignored. So I was angry. I was mad and I was not happy that Harry had ignored me. But was I going to call him or send him another message? No. Because Harry needs to be the one to realise that he's in the wrong.

So here I was, sitting on the couch with Molly and Niall, trying to enjoy a movie with them without being interrupted by thoughts of Harry. But that just wasn't happening.

Molly paused the movie after there was a knock on the door. Glad for the distraction, I got up and made my way over to the door. I pulled it open to find Bella standing in the doorway.

"Hi Bella? Is everything good in the cafe?" I asked, peering behind her to look down at the cafe.

"The cafe's fine" Bella said, fidgeting with the hem of her apron. "But, Harry's in the cafe and I didn't know whether you wanted to see him. So I told him to wait and well... now I'm here"

I had told only told Mum, Molly and Bella about what happened. I found myself able to trust Bella with this situation, and needed someone other then my best friend and Mum telling me I needed to sort this out.

"Harry? Is here?" I asked, peering behind her once again, this time looking down at the cafe more carefully.

"Mhm" Bella nodded. Suddenly all my anger towards Harry was being pushed to the back of my mind by the second, and I found myself nervous as to what was going to happen and what we were going to say. "Do you want me to make something up and tell him to go home" Bella asked hesitantly. I shook my head and took in a deep breath.

"We need to sort this out" I said, stepping past Bella and walking to the top of the stairs where I spotted none other then Harry standing a few feet away from the bottom. "Communication is key, you can do this Emily" I told myself before beginning my way down the stairs.

Ok, so it's not this chapter you'll be needing tissues for, but the next. I thought I should add this little chapter in. I will be updating again today, so you don't have to wait :)

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