Chapter 18

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This is one of my favorite chapter i've ever written so far.

Hope you enjoy

{Media:Gif - Harry and Emma slow dancing - Song - Thinking Out Loud Ed Sheeran}


It was 6.I had 2 hours to get ready.I look outside and see that the wind was picking up.I hope there won't be a storm tonight,I hate them.I jump into the shower,I shave and wash myself then get out of the shower when i'm done.It took me about 30 minutes or less.

When i'm done getting dressed -i just put on some jeans and a shirt- I pick up my book from my bedside table and take a seat on my bed and started reading where i left off.

I'm a book nerd,i know

After a few minutes there was a knock on my bedroom door. "Date time"Zoe smiles as she walks into the room. "You excited?"She asks putting her things on my bed. "Why would i be excited,i'm going to be a third wheel"

"No you're not,you're going to have Harry"She smirks,she just loves to tease me with this.I don't even have feelings for Harry,I think!I'm still figuring it out.

I mean he's good looking and everything,can't deny that.But the things he did to me a few years back,broke my heart.Last time i had a crush on him didn't end well.He humiliated me infront of the whole school.

"No,i'm doing this for you,not to be with Styles"I say and place my book back on the bedside table. "Whatever you say.Anyway let me do your make up"She said opening her bag. "I'm not trying to impress anyone,i don't need it"I laugh.

"Emma,can i talk to you for a minute?"Harry asks opening the door of my room. "Yeah sure"I say and follow him out into the hallway. "Use protection"Zoe shots from my bedroom.

"Shut up"I shout back.

"So what's up?"I ask as we stop in the middle of the hallway.

"Would it be alright with you guys to maybe just order a pizza and watch a movie here?the weather is getting worse and worse by the minute,and we just want to be save don't want anyone getting hurt"He says

"Yeah that would be fine,where is Louis?"I ask,I think i'll like this a bit more now.I'll feel more comfortable being here just watching a movie and eating a pizza.That's my kinda date.

"He said he would go to get the pizza at the pizza place then come here,he'll be here any minute"Just as he said that the door flies open and in walked a wet Louis. "I think we're not going anywhere tonight,it's just getting worse and worse,it's started raining too"He said running a hand through his wet hair then walking into the kitchen

"I'm going to go help him"Harry said and walked into the kitchen after Louis. "Change of plans,we're going to stay here and watch a movie,and i'm pretty sure you'll have to stay here tonight,Louis said the weather is getting worse"I say as i walk into my room where Zoe is looking through her bag.

"Yeah that's what i thought,i packed pajamas with me to be sure,I told my mum that i was going to your place she told me to take pajamas with me if i couldn't make it home because of the weather"Her mother has always been a very organized woman so that doesn't surprice me that she'd make her take her pajamas with her.

"Well Louis is here with the pizza so let's go downstairs and eat"I say and start walking downstairs. "Hey"Louis awkwardly says as we make our way into the kitchen. "Damn he's hot"Zoe whispers in my ear.I just laugh and grap a slice of pizza from the pizza box.

"So,you girls wanna watch a horror movie?"Louis ask with his mouth full.Me and Zoe look at each other with a smile and give him a nod. "Louis,I don't think that's a good idea,i mean the weather is pretty bad and i don't want anyone to get scared-"Harry says,I let out a little giggle under my breath.He was the only one that was scared.

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