The Speech

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Jess fidgets in her seat, craning her neck ever so often to scan the crowd.
"Where are Nick and the kids, they should have been here by now!" She ponders to herself, trying not to get worked up. Just then, she hears her name being called, and she turns.
"Hey Jess, thanks for coming! I have been working on this-" Schmidt greets Jess, but get cut off midway.
"RUTH has been working on this for so long," Cece interjects, pointedly emphasizing Ruth's name.
"Yep, that's what I meant honey," Schmidt smiles charmingly, and then whispers to Jess, "This speech has kept me up so many nights, it has to be perfect."
"I can hear you," Cece says, shaking her head at Schmidt. "Where's Nick?" She questions Jess, and Jess smiles tightly.
"I don't know, he was supposed to pick up the kids from school and come straight here."
"Jess! Jess, I'm here!" Nick shouts through the crowd, and runs across the room to Jess. He's carrying Frances with one arm, and Reginald is holding on to his other. "I'm so sorry I'm late, Reggie begged to get donuts before we came here and I just couldn't say no."
"Of course you couldn't," Jess replies, rolling her eyes at Nick and taking Frances from his arms. "Hi sweetie, how was school?"
"Good, Daddy got me donut!"
"Nick, her too? You know the doctor said we shouldn't give her too much sugar until her gums heal!"
"Sorry honey, she wanted what Reggie had."
"Save your bickering for the bedroom and shut up so you don't miss Ruth's speech!" Schmidt insists, and they shuffle to their seats and sit down. Jess settles Frances on her lap, and turns her attention to the stage. Jacob sits in between Cece and Schmidt, and looks up in awe of his big sister. Ruth is standing next to the curtain, waiting for the stage crew to adjust the mic. When she gets her cue, she saunters to the center of the stage, her dark blue dress swishing around her ankles. She sets her speech down, and leans closer to the microphone.
"Hello everyone, thanks for attending this lovely event! Before I start, I would like to recognize everyone who worked so hard to make this happen." She pauses, and a smattering of applause echoes around the room. "Now, let me just say two words: Fashion marketing." She takes a dramatic pause and then continues.
Schmidt yells, "Go Ruth!" and then turns and says to the gang, "She's gonna be president".
When she finishes her speech, Ruth smiles at the crowd, and turns around heads off the stage. She gathers her things and joins the group, where Schmidt pulls her into a big hug, and Cece strokes her hair with a smile.
"Good job, you sounded smart," compliments Jacob.
"You did amazing Ruth! You looked and sounded so natural up there," Jess congratulates her with a proud smile. Then everyone looks at Nick, and he looks back, confused.
"What are you guys looking at me for?"
"Aren't you going to say something?" Ruth questions expectantly.
"Oh, good job I guess," Nick says, patting Ruth on the arm.
"You guess?! She did great what are you talking about?" Cece responds haughtily, quirking an eyebrow at Nick.
"Ya I know that's what I said!" Nick argues.
"Ugh forget it, you don't appreciate Ruth's talent for public speaking," Schmidt scoffs at Nick, and leads the gang outside to where his car is being attended by a valet.
"You got valet?? There's a street with a ton of spots right over there!" Nick exclaims, jerking his thumb to the left.
"You expect me to part two blocks away, like an animal?! There's nothing sexier then tossing your keys in the general direction of someone you care nothing about. Schmidty don't need to park his own car." Schmidt responds, smirking.
"Shut up, you douche." Nick glares at Schmidt.
When his car is ready, Schmidt turns to the group and says, "Do you guys want to come over to Jaipur Aviv? We just splurged on brand new curtains! They're the kind of silk you want to wrap yourself up in, and they have a soft blue trim to add a modern touch."
"Stop quoting the catalog like a weirdo." Nick shoots back, fed up with Schmidt.
"Sure, that sounds fun!" Jess proclaims. "Are Winston and Aly done with their cop thing yet?"
"I don't know, I'll call Winston." Cece offers. "Hey Winnie, are you guys going to come over? Yeah, everyone's gonna be there. No Cece- Winston mess arounds, but I think we're all watching a movie. Ok great babe see you there!" Once she hung up, Cece, Schmidt, Ruth, and Jacob got into their car and Jess, Nick, Reginald, and Frances got into theirs.
"La Cucaracha, la cucaracha!" Jess rings the doorbell, carrying a plate of cupcakes she made with Frances. Schmidt, wearing an apron, opens the door and lets them in. Jess walks into Jaipur Aviv with Nick and the kids trailing behind. She heads to the kitchen where Cece is helping Schmidt prepare some snacks. Cece smears some hummus on Schmidt's nose, and he gives a strained laugh. The second Cece turns around to bring the snacks to the living room, he frantically wipes his face with a towel, and then sticks his head underneath kitchen faucet. Jess laughs at Schmidt, and follows Cece to where the kids are playing Feely-Cup.
"Is it... an eraser?" Ruth asks Reginald, and he shakes his head gleefully.
"Nope! Do you give up?"
"Ugh I guess, it really feels like an eraser!"
"It was one of Jacob's stress foam blocks dipped in baking powder. Ok, now my turn." Reggie closes his eyes while Ruth shows something to Frances and Jacob, then puts it in the cup.
"Ok, it's ready," Ruth alerts Reginald, and he reaches into the cup.
He moves his hand around in the cup, thinks for a moment, and then declares, "A puzzle piece, covered in cotton balls, and then wrapped in duct tape." Ruth's mouth drops open, and just then, Nick walks into the room.
"Wow Reggie, I see you got my dad's talent for Feely-Cup." Reggie giggles and then throws the puzzle piece at Frances, who sticks out her tongue at him.
The doorbell rings again, and Cece opens the door.
"Hey girllll," Winston exclaims, and hugs Cece. Aly and their kids follow him into the house, and Aly stretches out on the couch.
"Phew, I'm exhausted. Big day at work, some guy stole one of our guy's taser and demanded cash." Aly rolls her eyes and yells to Schmidt, "Can you get me a glass of wine?"
"Speaking of work, we have the funniest story to tell you guys," Winston says eagerly, smiling at Aly.
"Oh yeahh, can I tell them what happened?" Aly asks Winston with a grin. He nods excitedly at her, and she starts, "Ok, so we both got free passes from our boss to the local spa because he noticed how hard we were working. And when we go check it out, there's bathtubs with tons of bubbles. So, naturally, we choose the tub option, and it's awesome."
"Is there a point to this 'story' at all?" Schmidt, who had come into the room with wine, asks snidely.
"Yes there is Schmidt, she's getting to it, just wait." Winston informs him and signals for Aly to continue.
"As I was saying, we are in the tubs, and I ask Winston about one of our new trainees, and he doesn't answer. So I look over... and he's asleep in the bathtub!" Aly and Winston crack up, and soon their kids join their laughter.
"And then what happened?" Ruth asks Aly, confused.
"What do you mean, 'And then what happened?' He fell asleep in the tub for the second time! He was asleep, and then he woke up!" Aly responds, snickering. Winston stomps his foot on the floor in laughter.
Nick groans, and Jess reaches for a glass of wine. Everyone gets comfortable on the couch, and Schmidt turns on the TV.
"Guys! I know what we should watch!" Jess exclaims.
"Dirty Dancing!"
"Oh no Jess, did something happen?" Cece asks her, worried.
"No, no, everything's fine. I get that it used to be my breakup movie, but now... I don't know, it just feels special, in a good way," Jess tries to explain. Cece looks at Jess and understanding flashes across her face, and she smiles.
"I'm proud of you," Cece squeezes Jess' hand, and Jess gives a small smile back.
"Am I the only one completely confused right now?" Nick asks, looking around.
"Whatever, let's just watch it. I have to admit that guy can dance," Schmidt says, and grabs the remote. The movie starts playing, and Jess leans into Cece, resting her head on her shoulders.
"I've had..." Jess starts. "...the time of my life, and I owe it all to youuuu," Nick harmonizes with Jess.
"Just remember, you're the one thing..." Schmidt sings solo, and Ruth laughs.
"CAUSE I'VE HAD, THE TIME OF MY LIFEEEE," everyone belts together, and Jess looks around and smiles.
"I love you guys!" Jess exclaims.
"Shhh, I'm trying to watch the movie!" Schmidt responds, and everyone laughs.

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