Wedding Reimagined

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"Oh no oh no oh no!" Schmidt exclaims rapidly once he gets off the phone.
   "What is it? Did the tablecloths not come yet? I spent hours picking the perfect shade of cream!" Jess turns to Schmidt, concerned.
   "They all looked like the same color to me," Nick admits, shrugging.
   "It's on fire!!" Schmidt yells, frowning deeply.
   "WHAT?! WHAT'S ON FIRE?! YOU CAN'T JUST SAY THAT AND NOT-" Jess screams, and Cece cuts her off.
   "Honey, I know all this planning is stressful. Believe me, I get it. Do you remember how much Schmidt was freaking out when we did this? But you need to take a deep breath and step back. I bet Schmidt's exaggerating or something, right?" Cece pats Jess' arm and looks to Schmidt for reassurance.
   "The restaurant is on fire," Schmidt relays, looking miserable.
   "OH MY GOD," Jess yells, and this time Cece doesn't stop her.
   "What?!" Nick joins in, scowling. "How did that happen?!"
   "Is everyone ok?!" Jess follows up, look worried.
   "Typical Jessica Day, more worried about other people than how her own wedding just burst into flames," Schmidt scoffs. "The wedding that I, as best man, have planned for months! And without any help from a certain Nicholaus Miller."
   "Schmidt, you listen up and you listen good. Contrary to what you might think, you are not in charge of this wedding! And Nick has helped plenty; he found a officiant, and he helped with the seating chart!"
   "Make sure Auntie Marge doesn't sit near the wine bar," Nick comments, and Jess grins.
   "Well none of that matters anymore because THE RESTAURANT IS ON FIRE." Schmidt paces back and forth, running his hard through his heavily gelled hair. "I can't believe this, the restaurant means everything! Your guys' first real date, Ruth's first fettuccini..."
   "Schmidt, take a chill pill. We'll figure this out, right Jess?" Cece smiles reassuringly.
   "I don't know, what if Schmidt is right? The wedding was supposed to be in two days, what are we going to do?? And worse, what if this is a sign? I mean, that first date wasn't exactly successful, why did I think we should have our wedding there?! " Jess joins Schmidt's pacing, her brow furrowed.
   "Jess, hey hey hey," Nick walks over to her. "We'll figure out something, we always do!" Nick rubs Jess' back, and she turns to smile at him.
   "Ok, you're right, we can do this," Jess takes a deep breath. "Schmidt, figure out how soon the restaurant will be ready. Cece, call everyone to let them know what happened. Winston, you and Aly find out how long the cake will last. Me and Nick will contact the places we rented from and ask if they can extend the time," Jess takes charge, and Nick gazes at her proudly.
   "Jess, you should try on your wedding dress again!" Cece encourages enthusiastically, later in Jess' room.
   "But the wedding isn't today anymore," Jess reminds her, and Cece shrugs.
   "Who cares? It will be fun! Ooo, you should get all glammed up, too!" Cece exclaims with excitement.
   "I don't know, Cece. That feels a little weird, shouldn't I just wait until it's actually time?"
   "But what if it doesn't fit right? We should check just in case, and then you might as well do your hair and makeup too, you know?" Cece guides Jess to her closet before she can protest, and opens it with a flourish. 
   Jess' protests fade when she lays eyes on her dress. "I love it so much!! I still can't believe this happening!"
   "I know honey, it's just so perfect for you," Cece smiles at Jess' excitement. "Ok, now hand me that curling iron and sit in that chair." Cece commands Jess, and gets to work. As she expertly curls Jess' hair and applies makeup, they talk about the wedding.
   "How are you feeling about this whole situation?" Cece asks while brushing blush on Jess' cheeks.
   "I'm bummed, but honestly... I'm also a little relieved," Jess admits.
   "What? Is it Nick, did he do something, I'm gonna-" Cece starts, fuming.
   "No no no, Nick has been amazing, as always. And Cece, I know our journey hasn't exactly been a straight line, but you don't need to worry about me anymore. He is the one, and you know he always has been," Jess reassures her.
   "I know, I know, but I just don't want you to get hurt again." Cece's forehead crinkles slightly with worry.
   "You think Nick's going to hurt me again??" Jess exclaims.
   "Noooo, it's just with you guys it's messy, you know? You can never tell how things are going to go," Cece explains hesitantly, trying not to come across as rude.
   "You're right, I never truly know what will happen. But that's life, isn't it?" Jess shoots back defiantly.
   "Fine, then why are you relieved?" Cece questions.
   "Even if I didn't realize it, I have been waiting for this for ten years. And it's been so long and complicated, that now that things are going by so fast, I'm just worried. And of course I want to marry Nick as soon as possible, but the plans just didn't seem, perfect, I guess?" Jess confesses.
   "I know you have been planning your perfect wedding since you were a kid, so if it doesn't feel right, then maybe some things should change," Cece offers tentatively, teasing Jess' hair from underneath.
   "But I feel bad, everyone's worked so hard on it!" Jess worries.
   "Well, now there's an opportunity to start over," Cece notes.
   "But what about Nick?" Jess adds, still worried.
   "What about him?"
   "I'll haw to ask him about it tomorrow," Jess mumbles to herself, thinking.
   "I have a feeling Nick knows what you want almost more than you do," Cece smiles mischievously, but Jess misses it when she looks in the mirror to admire Cece's work so far.
   By now stars speckle the night, and Jess and Cece are dancing around Jess' room.
   "Bzzzztt," Jess' phone goes off, and she lifts her dress and scampers over to her nightstand.
   "I bet it's Schmidt with news about the restaurant," she remarks, and checks the phone. "Oh, it's from Nick!"
   "Roof." is all the text says, and Jess gets a rush of deja vu.
   "Look," she shows the text to Cece, and Cece smiles. "What?" Jess stares at her.
   "Nothing," Cece responds, gazing discreetly at Jess.
   "I want to go up there, but i'm still in the dress! Isn't it bad luck for the groom to see the bride in her dress before the wedding?"
   "When have you two ever followed the rules," Cece rolls her eyes.
   "That's true. Do I look ok?" Jess asks, frantically smoothing down her hair and adjusting the silky bow.
   "You look like every little girl's dream," Cece smiles at Jess.
   "Well, at least we know the dress still fits right. I hope we can reschedule soon," Jess comments, and Cece just smiles.
   Jess climbs the stairs, Cece following behind her. When she eventually reaches the top, she lets go of the fabric bunched in her hands and opens the door, stepping out onto the roof.
   Jess stands still, stunned. Her breath is caught in her throat as she takes in the twinkling fairy lights strewn across the roof, creating a stunning canopy. Flower arrangements and candles decorate small white tables, and pale pink petals lay softly on the ground. Jess is still speechless, staring in awe.
   But then she catches sight of Nick. He's wearing a grey suit, and a soft pink boutonnière matching the arrangements beside him. His silver tie reflects the lights from the canopy, and casts a soft glow on his stubble. Jess barely notices the people clustered at tables or seated in rows of white chairs, all she is aware of is Nick. Any previous doubts and fears melt away, and she takes a step towards him.
   Nick can't keep the grin off his face as he stares at Jess across the roof. Everyone is hushed and waiting, but Nick doesn't register anything besides her. She's wearing a 60's inspired wedding dress that has a thin bow around the waist. The sheer long sleeve floral lace top is over a sweetheart neckline, and it flares out from the stomach. Her hair is half up half down, curls cascading down her shoulders and pulled back with a silky bow. Nick feels his heart thump loudly against his chest, but his mind is clear and calm.
   As Jess walks across the strip of roof between the rows of chairs, she feels a sense of clarity in her soul. Her heart is giddy, but she's only thinking about one thing. This is it. This is perfect. Music plays softly, and when she is halfway to Nick, she feels two people join her. They each offer an elbow, and Jess smiles at her parents. Each step she takes closer to Nick, Jess is overcome with the feeling of being at peace, like finally coming home. She giggles when she sees Mario following her, a small box attached to his collar.
   The closer Jess gets, the bigger his smile grows. He watches as she grins at Bob and Joan, and they sit back down.
   "Hey Day," Nick says softly when she reaches him.
   Jess takes a deep breath and smiles. "Hey Miller."
   "Are we doing this, Jessica?" Nick grins at her. 
   "We're doing this," Jess beams back.
   "It's about damn time," Nick chuckles, and nods at the officiant.
   "Friends, we've been invited here tonight to share with Nick and Jess a very important moment in their lives. I have been asked to give a speech, I will so gladly. I lived in the same hallway as these two for five years, and let me tell you, it has been a journey. As a third-party spectator to their developing love, it was extremely clear that the two of them represent a perfect pairing, because each of them complements the other so well. They balance one another, and while each of them is a tremendous individual on their own, together they are even better. And being better together, as a team, a unit, and partners in crime, is what has been many years in the making and ultimately leads us to be here today, witnessing their commitment to one another in front of those they love most. The most remarkable moment in life is when you meet the person who makes you feel complete. The person who makes the world a beautiful and magical place. The person with whom you share a bond so special that it transcends normal relationships and becomes something so pure and so wonderful, that you can't imagine spending another day of your life without them. I wish I could tell you a single story about Nick and Jess that summarizes their relationship and how they enrich each other's lives, and the lives of each of us, but the truth is there isn't one single event that is a good encapsulation of what they mean to each other and to all of us. But what I do know is that both of them care deeply and passionately for each other; they protect each other; they make each other laugh and think outside themselves; that time magically seems to both fly and slow down when they're together. They help each other in ways that are obvious and unnoticed but always appreciated. I also know that it's not just anyone with whom you can have communication with simply a look, or remember the weirdest names of each other's lift drivers-"
   "My man Beezus!" Schmidt interrupts excitedly, and Cece elbows him. 
   "-or surprise each other with reservations at a restaurant you've been eyeing for years, or say "I'm sorry" every time it's warranted...eventually. They do that for and with each other without hesitation. And what I wish for them on this day of unionization, is that their life together as a team is one of complete contentment; full of those moments that they wish would never end, and that they continue to make one another smile and laugh as they make each of us do. Nick, the floor is yours." The officiant, who lives in apartment 4A, nods to Nick.
   Nick pulls out two crumpled pieces of paper, handing one to Jess. "I brought the vows you wrote," he whispers to her, and then clears his throat. He nervously fumbles with the paper, scanning it rapidly. But then he takes a deep breath and rips it, letting the pieces fall to the floor. Nick looks deep into Jess' eyes and begins. "Jess. I love you so much more than any words can ever describe, but I'm going to attempt anyways. I thought I knew what love was before I met you, but then you entered my life and nothing was ever the same again. You, and you alone, have transformed me from a man who he didn't think he could ever find true love, nor did he deserve it, to a man who falls in love with you every single day. I used to be scared of how much you made me feel, but now I know that feeling is what gives this world meaning. You make the world so much brighter, you make me a better person, and you make me feel like I'm floating on clouds. I love you not only for what you are, but for what I am when I am with you. And I have always know this, all the way back to when you walked through that door ten years ago. That day, I looked at you and saw the rest of my life in front of my eyes. From then on, I have promised to always be by your side. I will support you and do everything I can to make you happy, because you are, and will forever be, my other half." Nick feels himself start to get choked up, so he nods at Jess. She wipes her eyes and sniffles, gazing at Nick with all the adoration in the world. Nick takes her hand and rubs the pad of his thumb across her palm as she clears her throat.
   "I wrote these vows with a slightly different plan in mind," Jess chuckles, looking down at the paper. "But Nick, I should know by now that nothing ever goes according to plan with us. But it's a beautiful thing to be able to embrace the uncertainty in life, so I want to thank you for showing me how. And showing me how I can love someone so much more than I thought was possible. We both know that love makes us overcome the greatest and the most challenging obstacles. It shows us what it means to love someone unconditionally and to care for their happiness as if it is our own. Love may sometimes make us do things that are a little bit crazy and stupid, as we know very well, but most of the time, love inspires us greatly. You, Nick Miller, inspire me greatly every single day. And I want you to always remember that to the world, you are just one person, but to me, you are the world. I've learned that when you love someone, truly love them, you lay your heart open to them. You give them a part of yourself that you give no one else, and you let them into a part of you that only they can hurt. You've taken such good care of the part of myself I gave to you, and my life has been so much better since I let you in. Nick, I love you so much, and I'm so excited to spend the rest of my life with you. Although we don't need rings to signify the invisible connection drawing us to each other, let them represent the next chapter we are starting in our lives." Jess lets out a breath when she's done, still not breaking eye contact with Nick.
   "That was beautiful, thank you. And now, Jess, do you take Nick to be your husband?" The officiant asks.
   Jess looks into Nick's eyes and can't contain her grin. "I do."
   "Nick, do you take Jess to be your wife?"
    "I do," Nick returns the loving look, his smile small, but containing so much emotion.
   "Nick and Jess will now exchange rings as a symbol of love and commitment to each other," the officiant announces, and turns to Nick and Jess. "They mark the beginning, but also the continuation, of your long journey together. A wedding ring is a circle—a symbol of love never-ending. It is the seal of the vows you have just taken to love each other without end." 
   Nick smiles, and clicks his tongue. Mario comes scampering over, wagging his tail eagerly. He crouches down and rubs behind Mario's ears, then unclasps the box from his collar.
   "Nafta should have been the ring bearer," Winston whispers to Aly.
   "Don't you think Ferguson being the ring bearer for our wedding was enough?" Aly whispers back, rolling her eyes.
   "Awwww Mario you're such a good boy," Jess coos and gives him a rub. Nick opens the box and takes out two rings, fumbling with them slightly before keeping Jess' and handing his to her. He looks to the officiant for confirmation, and then slips Jess' ring on her finger. Jess follows suit, sliding Nick's ring on his, her face glowing with happiness. 
   "Now, it is my honor to pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride," the officiant finishes.
   "It's you and me now," Jess grins and leans in for a kiss. She wraps her arms around Nick's neck and everyone claps and cheers. Bob and Joan smile proudly, Cece and Schmidt whoop and holler in excitement, Winston and Aly gaze at each other and then at Nick and Jess, and Coach and May clap enthusiastically.
   Nick offers his arm to Jess, and she slips her hand in his. He leads her onto the dance floor, which was really just the area where the roof chairs usually resided.
   "May I have this dance, m'lady?" Nick grins and cocks an eyebrow.
   "Why yes, you may, m'lord," Jess giggles, and Nick pulls her close. The first dance song starts to play, and and they sway gently to the music.
   "Now I've had the time of my life. No, I never felt this way before. Yes, I swear, it's the truth. And I owe it all to you."
   Jess rests her head on Nick's chest, their hands intertwined. His other hand rests on the small of her back, pulling Jess tighter against him.
   When the song reaches the end, Nick clumsily spins Jess, and she giggles as she twirls. Then he dips her, leaning down for a kiss.
   The moment the next song starts, Jess pulls away from Nick and starts the flap her arms.
   "When I'm feeling blue, all I have to do, is take a look at you, then I'm not so blue. When you're close to me, I can feel your heart beat, I can feel you breathing in my ear. When I kiss your lips, ooh I start to shiver, can't control the quivering inside. Wouldn't you agree, baby you and me, got a groovy kind of love."
   Nick's eyes go wide with recognition, and he joins Jess in the dance with a wry grin. He makes his arms into beaks, and the other guests look a little confused as the pair laugh and dance.
   "Anytime you want to, you can turn me on to, anything you want to, anytime at all."
   Schmidt and Winston scamper onto the dance floor, soon joined by Cece, Ruth, Aly, Coach, May, Abby, Jamie, Sadie, Nadia, Robbie, and the rest of their family and friends.
   Exhausted from the dancing, Nick and Jess stand by the refreshments table, beaming and accepting congratulations.
   "Psttt, Jess." Jess hears quietly, and whips her head around, but doesn't see anyone.
   "I'm down here," the voice says, and Jess looks around again, confused. Then a hand grabs her ankle, and she yelps in terror. She kicks the hand with her other foot, and hesitantly looks under the table cloth.
   "Schmidt?! What the heck are you doing under there?!" She exclaims in annoyed bewilderment.
   "Shhhh, is she near by? She might be listening," Schmidt whispers from crouched under the table.
   "Who is she? What are you talking about?!" Jess crouches down to Schmidt's eye level.
   "It's Ruth! She wouldn't let me stop dancing. Hours and hours went by, and that devil child wouldn't let me just sit down and have some of this crap chardonnay!" Schmidt exclaims, terror in his voice. "She may be three, but she is so scary." 
   "Schmidt, you're being ridiculous. Come out from under there and do some of your best man duties!" Jess tries to pull him out from under the table, but he resists.
   "Jess, promise me this. If I don't make it, tell Cece I love her," Schmidt grabs Jess' hand.
   "Schmidt, you are insane!" Jess scoffs and walks away from the table, leaving him to fend for himself.
   "Jess! Don't leave me! You don't understand, her stare is absolutely bone-chilling!" Schmidt calls when he sees Jess' shoes walk away.
   "It's the bride!!" Cece shouts when she sees Jess coming towards her, enveloping her in a hug. "How does it feel?"
   "Amazing!" Jess grins and hugs her back. "I can't believe Nick set this all up without me knowing!"
   "Oh my god I know right! He told us about his plan the night we found out about the restaurant, and then in two days he flew everyone in, got all the food, changed the dates for the rentals, everything!" Cece gushes, clearly impressed.
   "Well, I'd do anything for the woman I love," Nick comes up behind Jess and kisses her.
   "Nick! How did you think of the roof? It was absolutely perfect," Jess kisses him back, then leans into his arms.
   "I don't really know, actually. It kind of just popped into my head, plus I was remembering that one night on the roof the day that- you know," Nick explains, a little embarrassed.
   "It was better then anything I could have ever imagined," Jess gazes up at him with the most adoring look in her eyes.
   "Man, those mini sandwiches are delicious!" WInston exclaims, and joins them. "And the mini quiches! And the pigs in the blankets! Damn, y'all crushed food patrol."  
   "I actually haven't tried any of the food! Hmmm, what should I pick..." Jess ponders, and Nick reaches into his pocket.
   "I know how to decide," he says, and opens his hand. In his palm is a coin, worn and tarnished.
   "Is that-?" Jess' breath catches in disbelief.
   "The coin I had in my pocket the first night we kissed. I always have it," Nick smiles, and wraps his arms around Jess.      

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