Quarantine Addition

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"How do I turn on my zoom camera?" Nick beckons Jess over, fiddling with his computer.
"You just click that button by the microphone, it's pretty simple."
"Well, you have practice from teaching online, this is a new thing for me," Nick explains defensively.
"Nick! I have really missed seeing your face!" Schmidt exclaims as soon as Nick figures it out.
"Why, Schmidt?" Nick stares at him through the computer screen.
"Cause you're my best friend!" Schmidt explains like it's obvious. Nick rolls his eyes, and scoots over to make room for Jess.
"Hi Schmidt! Where's Cece?" Jess asks, waving at the camera.
"She's out getting groceries, but I think she'll be home soon." Schmidt barely suppresses a disgusted face. "She's out there, surrounded by Coronavirus cells, and then she's coming back home..."
"Schmidt, she's wearing a mask, I'm sure she'll be fine." Aly buts in, turning on her microphone, which had been previously off because of the commotion going on between Ava and Charles.
"It's not her I'm worried about, it's me! The food will probably be covered in the virus, how am I going to eat it?? I went from dining on only the finest sashimi, to choking down that grocery store rubbish that's been touched by other customers!"
"Schmidt, are you wearing a suit??" Nick interrupts Schmidt's rant.
"Of course! I'm not going to sit around all day like an off-duty ice cream truck driver!" Schmidt insists, huffing indignantly.
"Just because you're working from home doesn't mean you have to dress like you're at work! Relax a little!" Nick tries to convince Schmidt.
"And how exactly am I supposed to do that?"
"Well for starters, you're sitting up way too straight. I can see how tense your shoulders are through the screen." Nick explains with an eye roll.
Schmidt relaxes his shoulders exactly ¼ of an inch, and then sighs. "Happy now Nick? I feel like I'm almost laying down."
"Schmidt, you're killing me here man. You have nowhere to be, just let yourself go! Sleep in, have one of your fancy spa days at home, and most importantly; don't wear suits." Nick exclaims, exasperated.
"Ooo, I want a spa day."Winston remarks. "Oh my god, what if there was a mini spa for cats! Nafta would love that."
"Winston, cats don't like water." Schmidt stares quizzically at Winston.
"Guys, guess what I made!"Jess interjects excitedly.
"Let me guess, you made some sort of quarantine scrapbook?" Schmidt teases dryly.
Jess reached under the table and pulls out some sort of collage starring her, Nick, Reggie, and Frances. "I made a felt art portrait of our family!" She grins proudly, and points to the felt dog. "I even included Mario!"
"Wonderful, Jessica. At least I'm not in it this time." Schmidt says with a shudder. "The way my hair looked in it made me sick."
"That's what your hair actually looked like, you oaf!" Nick snaps.
"Honey! I'm home!" The door behind Schmidt opens, and Cece walks through carrying bags of groceries.
"Don't come near me! Stay away, you evil woman!" Schmidt screams as soon as Cece starts to walk towards him.
"Schmidt, calm down. I'm going to wash my hands, I just needed to set my purse down." Cece informs Schmidt, and rips off her mask.
"You were only wearing one mask?? You're insane!" Schmidt exclaims in bewilderment.
"Yes, I'm definitely the insane one here." Cece rolls her eyes. "You know one mask is the normal amount, right?"
"Well sorry that I'm extra safe. I bet since I triple mask, I'm three times less likely to get the virus. The only problem is people can't see my face, which is of course a big issue, but it's a price they're going to have to pay for the safety of our nation," Schmidt says confidently.
"I don't think that's how it works, but whatever floats your boat." Cece heads over to the kitchen sink.
"Massage the soap around your thumbs too! And don't forget to scrub under your fingernails," Schmidt watches Cece anxiously from a distance.
"There, I did it! Can I come near you now?" Cece holds out her hands for Schmidt to inspect.
"Decent. Next time really rub your palms together," Schmidt walks towards Cece, and she rolls her eyes.
"Schmidt, I never thought your insane need for cleanliness would actually would actually be helpful," Jess' voice comes through Schmidt's laptop.
"You're just envious Nicholas isn't as good at disinfecting groceries as I am," Schmidt says haughtily, and grabs a container of wipes.
"Jess! How are you?" Cece leans into the zoom camera and smiles.
"Pretty good, I think my students are finally starting to embrace virtual learning."
"Ugh, lucky. All my models do not get at all how to use a self timer on a camera. Donovan called three times in one day just to figure out how to set up the camera stand," Cece complains, and brings the laptop to the couch.
"Daddy, I need helpppppp." Reginald whines, calling for Nick.
"Just a sec buddy, I need to finish this." Nick responds, and throws the last handful of magnetic words to the fridge. "Let's see... yellow robot withdrawals." He reads, and shrugs. "Better than nothing."Nick walks over to where Reggie is sitting and staring at Nick's laptop.
"This thingy came up when I tried to go on my zoom." Reggie tells Nick, showing the computer screen.
"This meeting is for authorized attendees only. Click 'Sign in to Join' to sign into Zoom with an email address authorized for joining this meeting." Nick reads out loud. "Hmm, that weird. You only have one account though, right?" He asks Reggie.
"Ya, I think so." Reginald shrugs. Nick stares at the screen for a few more second, and then gives up.
"Let's ask your mom, I bet she knows." He says defeatedly. "Jess?" Nick yells.
"Yeah?" Jess calls back from the kitchen, where she's making a frittata in a saucepan.
"Reggie needs help with zoom," Nick informs her, and she comes over to where they're sitting. Reginald shows Jess the issue, and she helps him log out and log back in using his school account.
"There!" Jess exclaims in satisfaction when it works.
"Thanks honey." Nick smiles, and leans in to kiss Jess. She wraps her arms around him, and Reginald makes a face.
"Ewwww, gross." Reggie turns away from them in disgust.
Jess leans into Nick, exhaustion seeping into her bones. Nick smiles and rubs her arm affectionately. Jess wriggles closer to him, feeling his heart thump against her head. They continue to watch the movie, cuddled up together on the couch.
When the characters finally kiss under the New York lights, Nick glances down at Jess to see her reaction, but grins when he sees she's fast asleep.

Nick opens the loft door, coming home from a night shift at the bar. He sets his things down, and then sees Jess curled up on the couch. He smiles softly at how small she looks, sleeping soundly amidst the assortment of pillows. Nick walks over to the the couch and instinctively tucks a lock of hair behind her ear, gently running his thumb across her cheek before he can stop himself. Before he remembers Jess isn't his anymore. Nick swallows despite the lump in his throat, and forces himself to turn away. He's about to leave, when he notices a dried trail of tears on her cheek. Nick feels a spike of pain in his heart when he notices Dirty Dancing playing quietly from the tv. Once he looks around some more, he sees a tissue box on the table, surrounded by a collection of used tissues. Nick glances back at Jess, turns to walk away again, hesitates, and then scoops her up. In one quick maneuver he had mastered when they were dating and she would try to stay up until he got home from work, her head is against his chest and he's supporting her legs with his arms. Nick carries Jess to her room, where he gently places her down on the bed. He tucks the covers up to her chin, trying to stop himself from gazing at her for too long. Jess moves slightly, and then drifts back off to sleep. Nick starts to walk away, takes one last glance at her sleeping form, then shuts the door. Nick goes into his own room, laying in bed with thoughts swirling around in his head.

Jess' chest is moving slowly up and down with each breath, and her head is still nestled against Nick's chest. Nick takes a moment to soak it in; the warmth of her body cuddled next to him, the way the strands of hair on her face move slightly with each exhale, her peaceful smile. Then Nick slowly moves so his arms are under her, and picks her up. He holds her tightly to his chest, and makes his way to their room. Nick pulls back the covers and sets her down, taking off her glasses and placing them on the bedside table. Then he climbs in next to Jess and pulls the covers up, making sure she's also covered.
"Mmm, a puppy cappuccino please." Jess murmurs, and rolls over.
"Even when she's asleep, she never stops talking." Nick chuckles softly to himself, and gently plants a kiss on Jess' forehead. "Goodnight, I love you."

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