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Grumpy | Twiggy

I am bored and need of an entertainment to keep me company.

Audacious hoe!

Do I look like some entertainment to you?!?!

That's what I messaged you, didn't I?

Just talk to me, please?

*cute puppy dog eyes*

Don't drag little innocent puppies into this conversation, you evil skunk

And what on earth are we going to talk about at this time of night?

I can suggest you what food to eat when you're hungry...

Never I shall ever make that mistake ever again!

If ever I'll be going out with you, I'm never gonna let you choose where we're going to eat

Are you suggesting that we should go out on a date?

I'm awfully flattered by your offer, but don't you think that we should get to know each other first.

Perhaps, may I know your name?


That was a hypothetical statement!

Honestly, don't you know how to analyze?

I do.

Then use that brain of yours in good use or might as well donate it to someone who needs it

Aww, how thoughtful of you to care about people.

But do you have any thoughts about me and how gorgeous I am in real life if you ever saw me

You ego is all the way UP the roof.

Cardi B's song is really dope tho

If it's up, then it's up, then it's up, then it's stuck




Enough, peasant! 

Let's play twenty questions

Twiggy, it's already midnight and I'm tireeeeeeeeeeeeeeed af

So, bye.

Aww why so soon, grumpy?


Hey, you still awake?

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