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James crashed into the floor of Grimmauld place, the unconscious boy falling out of his hands. Moody and Kingsley lay a few feet away, unconscious. Sirius helped James to his feet.

"That was too close," James said, brushing his pants off, dust flying off the fabric.

Sirius nodded, "My cousin is pretty lethal."

"It's good to know you come from a family of lunatics," James laughed half heartedly.

Sirius smiled before looking at the unconscious boy bleeding out on the floor. "We should tie him up and call Poppy," he said, gingerly kicking the boy's shin with the toe of his shoe. 

James grabbed a chair from the dining room table and carried it back into the living room. He helped Sirius sit the boy on the chair, alarmed by the volume of blood left on the floor, and conjured ropes to tie the boy's hands with. The way in which his head slumped forward was gruesome and unnatural. Inky black hair fell over the mask and James knelt down to see it up close.

It was black, like the rest of the boy's clothes, but with faint silver lines running through it. Obviously expensive and well made. Sirius pulled up the boy's sleeve and plucked a wand from a holster, shoving it in his pocket.

"I'll call Poppy," Sirius said, heading over to the Floo.

James turned, "Wait. I want to see what he looks like."

Sirius sighed and came to sit next to James before the boy, "You never just leave things be do you? James Potter, always the investigator."

James laughed as he reached up and pulled the mask away from the boy's face. He had a strange feeling about the boy, he yearned to see behind the mask. James grabbed a hold of the boy's chin and tipped it back.

His eyes widened in horror.

"Sirius..." he whispered.

Sirius moved closer to the boy, looking between him and James, "It can't be..." he trailed off.

The black hair, the same strong jawline, the subtle shape of the face. The boy looked very similar to James Potter. Although...

"Sirius give me the Daily Profit," James whispered, still holding the boy's chin.

Sirius stared at him, confused, "Why do you need-"

"Just go get it!"

Sirius left and returned a moment later with an issue of the daily profit clutched in his hands.

"James the kid looks like-"

"I know," James said, as he grabbed the paper, "Believe me, I know."

James stared at the front page. A photo of Voldemort taken at a recent raid filled the front. The man was smirking as he cast a killing curse at someone. James lifted the boy's chin and held the photo next to him.

He could see the resemblance there as well. The same high cheekbones and full lips, the same curve to the nose and long, dark eyelashes.

"Shit James, he looks like a blend between the both of you," Sirius said, peering over James' shoulder in shock.

James suddenly remembered what he had seen last night. A flash of green eyes.

"Open his eyes," James commanded.

Sirius, too stunned to be confused, lifted the boy's eyelids and gasped.

"Lily," Sirius breathed, "Those are Lily's eyes."

James fell back on his hunches, "What is this?" he whispered.

Suddenly, the boy groaned in pain and James jolted to attention. Blood was on the floor beneath the chair, and the boy's face was ashen.

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