Friends, enemies, and ferrets

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Harry smirked devilishly and glanced at James at the other end of the Great Hall, his eyes brightening when he saw the older man staring in horror at Harry. He knew what it looked like; Tom Riddle. Harry looked like Tom Riddle, or what James imagined the young Dark Lord to be in his mind. Handsome, brilliant, dangerous. But James wasn't looking at Tom Riddle, he was looking at Harry Potter, his son who had been tainted, who's blood had been tainted by that- that monster. 

But Harry wasn't a monster, he was James' son. And James would be damned if he couldn't find even a sliver of goodness left in Harry, because there had to be something, anything that could be saved. Looking up at the staff table, James caught Lily's eyes, seeing his fear reflected back at him. He gave her a thin lipped smile, hoping it could communicate something of a reassurance. 

Harry slipped of the stool and strode over to the Slytherin table, hands in his pockets, smirk on his face. Ignoring the stares and whispers, he sat down next to Draco, exchanging a quick glance before focusing on Dumbledore who was once again addressing the students. 

"Thank you Harry," the old man said kindly, "I hope you find your year here at Hogwarts to be enjoyable." 

Draco snorted, eliciting strange glances from Slytherin table. 

"I only have two words for you," Dumbledore said, "Tuck in!" 

Food appeared on the table with a 'pop', and most students did indeed 'tuck in' as Dumbledore said. Harry watched his new housemates with distain, glancing at Draco. 

"In one word? Disappointed," Harry said, "Father described the Slytherin house to be more... distinguished than this bunch." 

"Your Father as in..." 

Harry looked forward at the owner of the voice. A girl with a short black bob and a fringe almost as sharp as her dark gaze. She looked at Harry with a mixture of wonder, fear and lust, the last of which made Harry frown disdainfully. 

Harry sighed, "Do go on Miss..." 

The girl smiled venomously, "Parkinson, Pansy Parkinson."

"Well Miss Parkinson, my father is none of your business." 

Draco nudged Harry, "Her parents are with him, you can tell her." 

Harry gazed at the blond boy coolly, "Draco, are you aware of the amount of people in this room at the moment?" 

Draco flushed, "I-" 

"We can discuss this in the common room if you so wish, but for now Draco, be quiet."

Draco hung his head, "Yes Harry."

A loud explosive laugh came from further down the table, Harry looked up to see a dark haired boy with olive skin beaming at him. 

"You showed him all right!" the boy exclaimed, still laughing, "Haven't seen Draco that ashamed since Moody and the ferret!" 

To Harry's great amusement, Draco turned bright red, "We've agreed never to bring that up Blaise," Draco hissed through gritted teeth. 

Harry remembered a few years ago when Draco had furiously told Harry about a heated argument with Theo Potter that ended in Draco being transfigured into a ferret. That Christmas Draco's present had been a white ferret wrapped in a green bow. Harry had laughed at the horror in Draco's eyes. 

"Do you still have the ferret I gave you for Christmas Draco?" Harry asked snidely. 

Blaise burst out laughing again, Pansy smiled, as well as two thuggish looking boys and a small mousy boy to Harry's right. 

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