"I'm a genius, did you know?"

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"Draco, fix your face please, it's putting me off my breakfast."

Draco glared at Pansy, a venomous retort on the tip of his tongue.

"As much as I hate to agree with Pansy," Harry said, "Your scowl is ruining my mood. Who are you looking at anyway?"

Harry turned around, following Draco's glare to the bushy haired mudblood, Granger. As far as Harry could tell, she wasn't doing anything at the moment, apart from talking to Weasley and Theo. Harry scowled at the younger Potter as the boy shovelled eggs into his mouth. He would benefit from the vigorous decorum lessons Harry's father had made him endure.

"She beat me in potions," Draco gritted out, pulling Harry's attention away from the growing idea in his head. "Again."

Pansy shrieked out a laugh that set Harry's teeth on edge, "Did you hear that Blaise!" she exclaimed over the table, eliciting a bored expression from Blaise, "Draco's been beaten by the mudblood again!"

She dissolved into laughter and Harry snuck a glimpse of Draco, who was looking at his clenched fists, his face slowly turning red.

Harry pursed his lips, "Pansy?" he said softly.

It was the softness that made Pansy stop though. She stared at Harry, not knowing what he was going to say next.

"Pansy do all of Slytherin a favour and keep your mouth shut for a change yes? We wouldn't want the entire Great Hall to listen as you mock Draco. If I remember correctly, you received a Dreadful on your last potions essay didn't you?" Harry smiled in victory as Pansy slowly retreated into herself. "How embarrassing," Harry continued, "So let's try and save that superiority complex for when you deserve it all right?"

Pansy dipped her head and said nothing.

Harry frowned, "All right?" he said, slower.

Glaring at the floor Pansy replied, "All right, I get it."


Harry turned to Draco, who was grinning at Pansy like he'd won something.

As breakfast continued, Harry's attention was slowly captured by the young Potter again, and the thought that had begun in his mind continued where it had taken off. The thought was a weed, growing sneakily through Harry's mind until it bloomed and Harry grinned.


He was going to get revenge.

Harry's gaze flicked to the staff table where James and Lily sat, talking with each other jovially. What better revenge for kidnapping Harry would it be to kidnap their own child. Their precious Theo, the very definition of kindness and Gryffindor.

He looked at the boy across the hall. He could see it, bringing Theo before his father, turning the boy into the very thing his parents feared the most. Harry. Harry would turn Theo into himself. Harry's smile turned poisonous as another thought came to him. And how much better would it be if Theo came with Harry by himself, through his own choice.

Yes, that would certainly make revenge sweeter.

"Harry? What're you thinking about?" Draco asked, tugging Harry away from his brilliant plan.

Harry grinned at Draco, "I am a genius, did you know?"

Draco laughed, surprised, "I've known that since we met."

"What, when we were two?"

Draco frowned, "Obviously I can't remember that far back. Metaphorically then."

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