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When Harry felt the hand on his shoulder, he knew he shouldn't have been surprised as he turned around to see James Potter staring at him with an accusatory gaze. 

Harry only smiled, glancing at Draco by his side, "Can I help you Potter? Draco and I have an arithmancy lesson to attend."

James' eyes flicked between Harry and Draco, and for a moment, Harry worried that he would suspect that Draco would help Harry return to his father. Of course, it was a distinct possibility that he already knew, and had informed the Order. But that wouldn't stop Harry. 

"Why were you talking to Theo?" James asked finally, aware of the students trickling from the Great Hall. 

Harry's smile was as sharp as a knife, "Am I not allowed to have a conversation with my dear cousin?" 

James glanced at Draco, obviously not aware that Draco had know that Harry was James' son since he was five. 

"Potter?" Harry asked, "Are you going to answer or can we leave?"

James glared at him, "Harry, as much as I love you-"

Harry snorted. 

"-I don't want you to...endanger Theo in any way. Do you understand?" 

Merlin the man was stupid. He should know by now that nothing he said would ever be enough to even remotely threaten Harry. 

"I understand perfectly. Uncle," Harry added, smirking. 

James only pursed his lips and sighed, gesturing for them both to be on their way. 

They both turned to walk to class, no doubt late by now. Their shoes clacked on the floor, echoing in the high ceilings. Without warning, Draco burst out laughing. Harry turned to him, confused, as the blond clutched his stomach and laughed

"What's so funny?" Harry asked eventually. 

Draco gasped for breath, "He was trying to be so threatening!" he shrieked between giggles, "You're the son of the Dark Lord and he was-" he stopped, unable to keep talking as he burst out laughing again. 

Harry sighed, "Sometimes I'm embarrassed to be friends with you." 

The pair kept walking and were eventually ten minutes late to arithmancy. Harry sat in class, planning out how exactly to suede little Theo Potter. 


"No, please don't leave me again," Draco wined, as Harry got up from his seat at lunch. "Pansy's driving me insane," he said with clenched teeth. 

"I heard that!" Pansy shrieked from across Slytherin table. 

"See?" Draco said desperately, "Why are you going over there anyway?" 

"I'll tell you in the common room," Harry said, walking away and ignoring Draco's pleas as he went. 

Harry's plan was to spend as much time with Theo as possible, which meant Gryffindor table at mealtimes, putting up with the Weasel and Granger, as well as various other house members that Harry hadn't bothered to remember the names of. Harry had planned to slowly turn Theo against his parents, relying on his need for a relationship with his big brother. To do this of course, Harry had to establish a relationship with the brown haired boy. 


Harry put on a friendly smile as he sat down at the Gryffindor table, locking eyes with James as he did, before quickly flicking his gaze to a beaming Theo. 

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