19: winner's pride

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get megumi's water bottle filled and return back to her team.

but the fact that this first-year before her was intensely flirting with her while she was draining the water from the school fountain made her extremely uncomfortable.

"hey now, why do you look so scared?", haizaki mocked, "like a bunny in a wolf's den".

chiyo ever so slightly flinched, as she quickly screwed the lid to the water bottle and tried to leave.

gripping onto the girl's wrist, haizaki pulled chiyo close and kept her in place.

"and where do you think you're going? we're not done talking ye—"

"oi haizaki, let her go".

chiyo snapped her head around, fully expecting sukuna due to the familiar voice. however, it was actually the power forward from team vorpal swords.

"well well well, if it isn't one of the miracles", haizaki scoffed, not complying with aoimine's request.

     "don't make me repeat what I said, haizaki".

     "or what?", the dark-haired boy challenged, clenching onto chiyo's wrist even tighter, and causing the second-year to wince in pain.

     "you gonna eject me from my team or something? you know I don't give a shit about basketball. it's just to pass time".

     aoimine clicked his tongue with annoyance as he was fed up with his ex-teammate.

     knowing that violence was the only option to stop haizaki, aoimine sent a punch to the latter's face. though chiyo was finally freed, the second-year had stumbled forwards a little, as the dark-haired boy fell onto the floor — unconscious.

     "ah shit...now what?"

     chiyo searched around her pockets, as she pulled out a box of hello kitty bandaids in case of emergencies.

"ano...thank you!", chiyo bowed, as she grabbed aoimine's hand and plastered a bandaid near his knuckles.

the second-year had then left the rest of the bandaids for haizaki (next to his unconscious head), as even though he was harassing her, she felt kind of bad for him.

'sukuna would laugh if his opponent fell unconscious after one punch', chiyo thought.

aoimine sped walked away, as he wasn't sure what to do with the unconscious male. meanwhile chiyo was already back with her team, apologizing for taking so long.

"chiyo, come here", sukuna gestured, to which the blonde girl had complied.

"yes sukuna? do you need your water bottle refilled as well?"

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