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~Chat between Niall and Harry~

@niallhoran: why are you two always arguing?

@harrystyles: because he's annoying

@niallhoran: do you really think that?

@harrystyles: yes...

@niallhoran: harry, be honest. you know you can't lie to me as your best friend

@harrystyles: okay fine... maybe i don't think he's that annoying

@niallhoran: i knew it!!

"Why do you always act like this! Can you just listen to me and do what I ask?" 

Harry sighs.

This is the fourth time this has happened this day, his father is doing something stupid and his mother makes a big deal out of it. 

He doesn't get it. His father shouldn't be so stupid and then his mother doesn't have to nag at him all the time. It's that simple, but apparently not for them. 

He sighs again as the screaming continues. He sends a short message to Niall before leaving his bed, making his way downstairs.

@harrystyles: sorry, need to go

@niallhoran: are you okay?

@harrystyles: yeah, no worries  

@niallhoran: okay then, bye haz

With every lie he starts to feel worse and worse but he can't help it, it just happens automatically. Maybe because he's ashamed that his parents can't communicate normally? Maybe because Niall will only be more concerned than he already is? 

Harry had always been the one who was very insecure about himself. He never thought he was good enough and thought he was ugly. The days when those thoughts were the worst he wanted to cut himself, just for a moment to stop the thoughts. It happened three times now, and Niall found out the third time. He was supposed to come by that day -which Harry had forgotten- and then he found him with a razor in his hands. He had to explain to him what was going on. Of course he didn't tell the whole story, but now Niall knows a part of it. That's why Niall is always so concerned about him, because who knows, maybe it will happen again. Niall just wants to protect him, but he knows he won't always be able to do that.

He takes a deep breath to stop his thoughts, then stepped into the living room. 

He had hoped the screaming had stopped by now, but it hadn't. They faced each other and they didn't look happy. They were both yelling things -that had nothing to do with what just happened- not even listening to what the other really was saying.

"Stop yelling! This is completely useless."  

The screaming stopped immediately and they both looked at Harry, who looked at them in disbelief.

He scoffed. "I really don't understand what your problem is. Yeah okay, dad did something stupid, so what? That's not the reason for yelling at each other like you hate each other. And in case you didn't know, I'm here too. So just stop with this and leave me alone."

"I'm so sorry darli-"

"I said leave me alone." With those words he walks out of the room and lets the door slam shut behind him.

When he arrives in his bedroom, he drops onto his bed with a sigh, closing his eyes. He just doesn't know what to do anymore to make this shit stop. It has to stop, because this isn't going to end well.

He doesn't know how this happened all of a sudden, how his parents seem to hate each other now. Last week they were completely over each other and now that seems to be gone with one blow. What must have happened that they hate each other so much now?

Was it the glass dad dropped a few days ago?

Was it the picture frame his mother accidentally knocked over?

Was it him?

All these thoughts make his head tired, he needs to calm down before he can figure all this out. He takes out his sketchbook and starts to finish the drawing he has been working on for a long time, a drawing of himself, smiling.

Without thinking about it again, he continued to work on his drawing, which helped him clear his mind.

+ + + +

As you can see, it is not always an insta post, sometimes stories come in between. I like that more and that also helps you to understand the story more easily.

Hope you all like my writing too!


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