Chapter One - Changes

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I threw my clinical bag to the passenger seat as I slid into the car feeling exhausted. I've had 12 hour clinicals before, but today was rough.

I started my car heading to my dorm having nothing but a shower in mind. As I entered the dorm my friend Jaz was sitting on the couch watching law and order as she detangled her hair.

Jaz is brown skin like me. Although she always teases me on how I got the naturally pretty curls while she has had to work so hard to gain hers.

I always state how I was given them naturally because if I had to learn how to really take care of my hair. I would simply have none and definitely no curls. Of course I know the basics, detangle, wash, moisturize, and dry.

Is that even the order? Well I have the steps so that counts for something right.

She looked over at me, taking a break from detangling with a worried expression covering her face "Are you okay Kali?"

I fell back to the couch with my arms wide open. "I'm just tired, hungry, and desperately need a shower." I sigh.

She laughed "I can tell".

"Girl bye" I laughed pushing her arm. I stay and watch a little law and order to stall myself from actually having to get up from my very comfortable position.

After taking a shower I stepped in my room to get dressed. This dorm has three rooms, a kitchen, a very small dining room, and a living room. The other two rooms belong to Jaz and our other friend Shayla. Who I have no idea where she is currently. Probably still in clinical too. Fun fact, we all are junior nursing majors.

As I laid my head on the bed deciding now I might want to order food. I get an incoming Facetime call.

It's Kayden.

I hold the phone in front of my face. Realizing that I look exhausted. My hair is tied in a messy bun while I have on my old high school band shirt. So yes I'm in my pajamas. Well it isn't like he hasn't seen me look messy before.

"Wassup scrub." I smile knowing he low key hates that nickname. We always tease each other with it though.

Kayden runs his hands through his dark hair. Trying not to smile showing his dimples which may I add gives it away. "Nothing much. Just wondering if you were up for some ball today."

His blue eyes gleamed hoping I would say yes today. I have to say I have been slacking lately. We usually try to ball at least once a week after I had gotten to the nursing program. Before that we use to ball about three times a week.

I frown, feeling bad that I have to decline again. "Aww man I already know what you about to say." He rubs his hand down his face.

"I'm sorry. I'm just feeling tired after clinical today. We can do it this weekend. You don't have a game do you?"

He smiles even though I  know he's a little disappointed because I did promise him last week I could play today. "I have an away game this weekend. It's in Florida so I'll be gone until Monday scrub." I furrowed my eyebrows.

"It's okay." He stated with a lopsided smile. "Have you eaten yet?" Kayden questioned.

"I have not I'm glad you asked. Wanna take me out for some wings." I smiled showing all my teeth hoping he would give in.

He laughed. "Yeah be there in twenty."

"Oh and you can keep on your pajamas if you want." He chuckled. "We can eat it inside the car."

He knows me so well.


Kayden handed me a plate of mild boneless wings. My favorite. We were currently parked outside my dorm while having a car picnic I like to call it.

"I don't even know if you deserve those wings with how many times you reneged on me." He side eyed me while talking a bite of his barbecue wings.

I then side eyed him while taking a bite of my mild wings.

He gasped dramatically. "So you just gone act like you ain't hear me." I bursted out laughing I could not hold it for a second. "See no give me back these wings." He laughed grabbing my plate.

I reached back for them whining. "Please Kayden I haven't eaten since 12." I puppy dog eyed him.

He handed me back the plate of wings. "Carter just give it to me straight. You don't want to be friends no more." He dramatically sighed.

"I know you only using me to get to the wings anyway." He smiled teasing me.

It's hard not to notice how good looking he is. He's 6'2 with a muscular build. Short dark curly hair and blue eyes with a sharp jawline. Not to mention he's very charming as well. Anybody with eyes can obviously see he's good looking so it's not just me, okay.

We've been friends since freshman year. You would've thought we were childhood friends with how much we banter.

I turn my body towards Kayden finally getting serious, because I know how it feels when a friend cancels on you constantly. It does kind of feel shitty sometimes.

"I'm really sorry foreal. Nursing school has been alot. I knew it would be difficult and time consuming, but I didn't think it would be this rough. From three 12 hour clinicals a week plus class days it's been hectic trying to adjust." He frowned.

I placed my hand on his arm. "Let's plan a day next week and I promise I will be there. I don't care if it is after clinical."

Kayden ran a hand through his hair. "I didn't realize how time consuming the program is for you. I'm sorry for making you feel bad. I know how hard you worked to get into the program. How about you plan when your available and I'll be there. It doesn't have to be every week. I happy wherever you can fit me in scrub." He lopsided smiled.

Kayden has always been an open book since the first day I've met him. I never have to guess his thoughts or how he feels about anything because I know he's gonna let me know. Whether I like it or not, may I add.

He too has a busy schedule from day long practices sometimes. To having to travel for games sometimes having to stay the weekend like he explained this week. On top of his busy class schedule he's majoring in sports management with a minor in criminal justice.

Even then our schedules never collided like this. Maybe because I was just in gen Ed's and hadn't gotten into the nursing program at that time. I actually had time a lot of time.

I smiled at Kaydens statement although I also felt guilty. "I don't want you to feel as though your having to adjust to me. And I don't want you to feel like I'm putting our friendship on the back burner either." I closed my eyes laying my head into the seat.

It's just hard trying to fit family and friends into a schedule like this.

I felt Kayden place his hand on mine and I opened my eyes starring right into his blue ones.

"Hey, Hey it's okay." He said gently . "I understand Kali. I don't mind adjusting I get it. I'm not mad and I don't feel on the back burner. I want you pass and do well okay." He nodded his head in understanding.

I looked down at his hand on mine then back into his eyes.

Get it together Kali.

This is not even a hand hold. So why am I suddenly nervous in front of someone I've always felt so comfortable around.


I'm screwed.

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