Chapter Ten- Stranger No Danger

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I fumble through my book bag slightly getting irritated that I left my labtop charger in my dorm again.

Currently I am in the library doing paperwork for my clinical tomorrow. Normally the girls and I do it together but their day today is booked to the fullest.

Tomorrow after clinical is the "little" reveal. So they had no other day to prepare the reveals than today. It is also midterm week so the on-campus library is packed. Thus, why I decide to go to the public library where there is more space and less people.

If I where on campus I would easily just leave my things and drive to the dorm to get my charger. But the public library is a 20 minute drive from campus.

But my labtop is on 5% and I kind of need it to finish this paperwork. I rumble through my book bag again checking every pocket hoping I just overlooked it.

I sigh placing my head in between my hands. It also doesn't help that Mother Nature visited me today making my mood change rapidly.

"Are you okay?" A guy questions as he stands in front of my table.

I remove my head from my hands to see a nice looking guy. He looked tall like 6' foot with brown hair and eyes. He actually looked concerned for my well-being.

"Yes. I'm sorry I'm just having one of those day where nothing seems to go as it should." I say feeling a little embarrassed I was caught like this.

"I forgot my labtop charger at home and I was almost at the ending of my paperwork."

He walked over to me eyeing my computer "HP" he stated before walking away.

I scrunched my eyes at his retreating figure. Then lifted my frown into a smile when he appeared again with a labtop charger.

He handed it to me with a slight smile "My labtop is a HP too."

I grabbed it from his hand muttering a "thank you". He nodded in return.

He pointed to his table which was three tables from mine. "I'm sitting over there for when you are finished with it. No rush though I am fully charged." He stated before walking back to his table.

Eventually I finished the paperwork and begin studying for our test on next Wednesday. After two hours I decided I was done with the library and packed my book bag purposely leaving out the charger to give back to the nice stranger.

I put on my book bag making my way over to his table which was empty. Did he not want his charger back?

I looked around the library floor where he was no where in sight.

So then I decided to take the elevator down to the main floor preparing to give up and make my way to my car when I spot him exiting the library.

"Wait!" I say loudly.

"Shhh!" The librarian ushers with a scowl on her face. "Sorry" I mouth.

I speed walk after him out of the library before catching up to him.

"Hey!" I grab onto his shirt from behind. He had on headphones which explains why he couldn't hear me.

"Oh sorry." He responds confused before he glanced down to the charger.

I hand it to him "Did you not want it back?" I question.

He gently grabbed it from my hand "It seemed like you needed it more."

"So you were just gonna let me keep it?"

"Yes" he responded with no hesitation.

I blinked taken aback. He looked down to the unopened brownie in his hand. "Here" he stated motioned the brownie towards me.

"Thank you." I say slowly taking it from his hand.

"Food always helps me when I'm having a bad day. I hope your day gets better." He responds before turning to walk away.

He was so nice to me and I don't even know his name.

"Wait!" I call out and he turns looking at me. "What's your name?" I question.


He turns to takes a step to walk away before turning around again " What's yours?" He asks.

"Kali!" I say with a small smile.

A small smile graces it's way onto his face. "It was nice meeting you Kali."


"Moose you can't chop the broccoli like that you could cut your fingers." Jaz rushes out.

"Why is he on cutting duties again? Isn't that like the easiest job?" Jace states jealous of Mooses role.

"Your buttering rolls can you really complain?" Moose argues backs.

I shake my head at the boys in front of me. "Kayden why don't you take over cutting, while moose helps Jace with the rolls." I try to reason. Moose happily hands Kayden the knife moving over to help Jace.

He looks over to me "Whose gonna finish the tea?" He questions. I depan and reach my hand out for the unfinished tea jug.

"You know what I take that back Moose they gave the easiest job to the hidden chef" Jace teases Kayden.

Shayla finally enters the kitchen "Okay there is a lot happening in this tiny kitchen space." She blurts.

"Yeah I don't think we need another body in here." Moose says matter of factly as his shoulder is pressed up next to Jace not by choice.

I look at there closeness and join Shayla in laughter.

"Okay tea is done!" I say shimmying by to place the jug in fridge.

"Okay, so me and Shayla are going to set up the dinning room and let the boys be your su- chef in the kitchen today Jaz." I say before rushing out of the kitchen before anyone could respond.

After Shayla and I finished setting the table the boys and Jaz finished cooking shorty after. We then covered our plates and sat our usual spots around the table.

Jaz smiled after glancing around at everyone "I'm glad we can have family dinners like these."

"Even though we did start out a little rough." She added after looking over to Moose and Jace.

We all laughed in response. While Moose displayed a sly smile.

"You guys coming to our game tomorrow?" Jace question before sipping some of his tea.

Us girls nodded our heads. We discussed on Monday that we would go to their home game on Saturday especially since it was the last one at home. And attend the after party for once.

"And we're attending the after partyyyyy." Shayla said bouncing her shoulders up and down. While Shayla and I giggled at our goofy friend.

Moose gave each of us a fist bump "That's wassup. Now we just got to get Carson to go." Moose nodded his head towards Kayden who had a hidden smile displayed on his face. Of course the dimple ratted him out.

"What do you say Carson." Jace asked running his hands together. I guess hoping his boy would join him in partying.

"Alright." Kayden responded shortly with a small smile.

"Yeahhhh." The boys rejoiced running over to Kaydens seat shaking his shoulders. I shook my head trying to hide my laughter.

"Alright alright." Kayden responded after a few seconds the boys sat down and finished their meals happily.

Shayla then decided to stir the pot "Alright Jaz." Shayla stated and we all snapped our heads towards her.

"Who would you say is the better su-chef? The boys or your girls?" She asked putting emphasize on us being her girls.

There was complete silence as we all eagerly awaited her answer.

Jaz eyes widened. She then stuffed a spoon full of casserole in her mouth. She motioned to her mouth being full with an apologetic expression.

We all laughed at her antics to avoid the question.

We all know what the answer would have been though.

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