Chapter Six- Vanilla Bean

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"How did the surprise birthday go?" I ask Jaz.

Currently we are all sitting in the living room eating ice cream while watching good girls.

"She loved it. And was surprised to see I was home. They told her that I wouldn't be able to make it this weekend to feed more into the surprise." She smiled.

"Aww I seen the Facebook pictures. Momma Williams was looking nice for her celebration." Shayla said hyping her up.

I ate another bite of my ice cream "Wait Jaz doesn't have a Facebook." I said in confusion.

"I know her mom added me." Shayla boosted eating her ice cream.

"Well we see who the favorite is." I pout.

Jaz shakes her head giggling. "How is your family doing?" Jaz questioned me.

"Their doing great. Of course they got onto me for the lack of communication though." I sigh.

"As they should." Jaz agrees. She does call her family weekly even if it's just to sit on the phone with them for a couple of minutes. But for me when I call I don't want to rush conversation or them so I just don't call.

Which I guess is equally as bad. If not worse.

I nod my head in agreement. Their right.

"What about your family Shayla?" I ask.

"They were surprised I came home because I didn't tell them I was coming. I kinda just showed up. But they were happy especially Sophie." She says smiling.

Sophie is her five year old sister who is adorable might I add.

I poke my bottom lip out in adoration.

"Ugh why does tomorrow have to be Monday. It should be unlawful how short the weekend is." Shayla argued.

"I agree. I hated leaving my family today. I just wanted one more day with them ya know." I say eating another bite of my ice cream.

"I second that." Jaz adds in.

"Guys can we go to the lake this weekend." Shayla asks with a hopeful gleam in her eyes. "It will give us something to look forward too." She sings.

In the city of Lawford we have a lake. It's more like a beach replica. There's sand leading to the water. But they also have jet ski's, paddle boards, and diving boards. It's actually really nice. We use to go all the time but gradually it became less and less then eventually none.

"Yeah let's do it." I say.

"Yeah I'm down." Jaz answers.

"We're going to the lake. We're going to the lake." Shayla sings dancing with ice cream in hand while Jaz and I laugh at her very interesting dance moves.

Leave it to Shayla to give us the laughs we didn't know we needed.


Currently I'm sitting outside of the Starbucks on campus reading over the assigned chapters for our next class on Wednesday.

I sip on my vanilla bean latte flipping to the next chapter. One down three more to go.

Just as I was about to start on the next chapter "Kali wassup." Kayden yells approaching me.

"Wassup scrub." I say as I look up from my book with a smile.

Kayden takes a seat across the table from me "What you doing sitting out here by yourself" He says "Where's your girls?"

I motioned my hands towards my open book "I'm just catching up on these assigned readings and grabbed a vanilla bean in the process" I say shaking my latte.

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