3. Waking Up- Harry

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From here Harry wll be known as Errikos Ignotus Peverell
Errikos is Greek meaning hard working and industrious, but his nickname will be Harry

Harry woke up in a softness he could only remember waking up in the Gryffindor dorms he snuggled down more but something in him told him he had to just get up, something nagging him to go and get Tom and Severus but why would he need to do that and then it hit him like a tonne of bloody bricks, crashing down

He was back in time and he was meant to save Tom and Severus from the abuse and neglect at whoever's hands hat they would be with

He looked around the room after bolting up straight and saw that he was in a magnificent large, warm and homely bedroom that would fit the whole of the Dursley house in as well as garden it was that huge, he could see that he was sat in a king size four poster bed with dark green bedding and a chest at the foot of the bed, next to the bed was a table to then he could work before he went to be and a huge fire place was sat at the right of the bed enough to keep the room warm, next to that was a comfy chair that looked like he could just sink into it and fall asleep

To be honest he could see him reading to the boys when he finally got them, he knew where they were as Verjo had told him where they were and it would be soon that he would get them

"Just hold on a little longer and I'll come and get you two" he muttered to himself as he got up, he noticed that he was wearing silk pyjamas which he wouldn't normally wear but as he was now Lord Peverell needs must

A pop was heard and two House Elves appeared in the room "I is Tit and he is Tat we is Lord Errikos' elvies we serve when called" both bowed to him making him smile and patted each one on the head

"Call me Harry only my friends get to call me that and I respect House Elves and I would love to be called that, you are my friends after all"

"We can not do that we can't call Master by Harry we can not" before Tit could hurt themselves Harry stopped him

"No no we don't do that, we don't hurt ourselves its an order even though I don't like to give orders to anyone but I want you to call me Harry ok you can keep the Lord or Master I don't mind either way but we only call me Errikos when we have guests ok?" the two elves nodded and went with it

"Thank you Master Harry" they both said

"Well lets have some breakfast and then we can go on with our day as I have somewhere important to be later on and I hate to leave when we have just met but I have to see about adopting two boys that I think you'll grow to love just as much as me" he smiled as they helped him into some robes that seemed to be of the highest quality around and sighed if he knew being the Lord of the Most Honourable and Ancient House of Peverell and so he had to look the part even if his hair would never lay flat

He noticed in the mirror that a lock of his hair was white for some reason he didn't look that old he looked in his 20's no older than 25 just like Verjo had said but why the white he didn't know just then a pure white snake which he knew the name of it and it was a blue eyed leucistic ball python or better known as a blue eyed Lucy

Well aren't you pretty

You're a speaker?! the snake was shocked at it all they had never been around a Parselmouth before

Yes I am, I am Errikos, Lord of this house pleased to meet you, do you have a name?

No I don't have a name Master please can you name me, I've always wanted a speaker of my own and now I do the snake seemed to purr at having Harry to themselves

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