5. Understanding

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Harry was happy he finally had the boys in his hands and weren't letting go he had finally done what he had wanted to do and that was rescue them from something worse than death in his eyes

The way the two boys were treated pulled so much at his heartstrings because he knew all three of them had a bad childhood due to Tom growing up in an orphanage back in his own reality and was abused in so many ways and then finding out that he was a wizard and hated for it even at Hogwarts Dumbles made it know that he hated anyone in Slytherin and always put the blame on them even if it wasn't their fault

Tom was a brilliant student who was led on the wrong path by Dumbles himself to kill Grindelwald but he didn't follow that path instead he made Horcruxes and went insane due to it all

Then there was Severus and his father.... well what could we say about a drunken idiot that was abusive beyond a doubt? yes he lost his job and what little money that Eileen could somehow rake in was spent on alcohol for Tobias who would drink until he passed out or would bully and belittle Eileen and would attack Severus calling his all sorts of names and throwing his empty bottles at him any chance he could take

Then there was Harry himself orphaned at only 15 months old due to an insane dark lord sadly not his fault he would now completely place the blame on Dumbletwat more than anything, then the abuse for his relatives and all the stupid crap he had gone throughout Hogwarts just so then he could kill Tom...

And here they were now, Harry now known as Errikos Ignotus Peverell having adopted two little boys who yet again had been abused but he hoped beyond hoped that they would be able to recover from what had happened to them

He looked down at the boys who held his hands tightly, yes he knew they were scared but he could feel their magical cores that were strong enough and had been protecting them with everything that it had

"Come along boys we have to go somewhere very important and I need you to be on your best behaviour ok?" said Harry to them making Tom scoff at it all and so Harry stopped and knelt down in front of them

"I know I have asked so much in such a small amount of time but this is very important Tom really, I've adopted you two as my very own, I'm your father now and I will never let anyone hurt you" he placed his hand on Tom's shoulder who flinched and Severus hid behind his brother more

"Why should we believe you?" asked Tom

"Well I've been through what you have been through what you've been through when I was a baby all the way up to when I was 17, it's hard I'll admit and I had no-one else to help me but you two now have me, I will always be on your side no matter what, I will listen to both sides of the story and I will judge who is right and who is wrong"

"Hurt us?" came the small voice of Severus as he looked over his brother's shoulder

"No Sev no honey I will never do that, if you're in the wrong you will have corner time to think about what you did wrong, that or you will be grounded for the day and have to either stay in your room or inside the house ok and not go and play in the garden but I will never and I mean never hit you, you two are my precious sons and I would never hurt you"

"Ok" said Sev as he went back to holding Harry's hand taking hold of Tom's as he did he wanted his brother close

"I guess that's ok" said Tom

"All I ask is that you finally enjoy your childhood"

"So you want us and don't want to hurt us? adults are strange the matron always said that it was best to hurt us as we were the problem to start of with she didn't want us there and let them bully us, why do you want us?" said Tom with more understanding than a normal 5 year old

"Well Tom that's where you're wrong it's not good to hurt someone that just for fun and having adults that don't care for you and let what happened to you happen, that was awful and disgusting and they weren't normal human beings they were awful and with me I would love to have you two as my son's where I can spoil you rotton and where you can grow up with love and understanding, I want you two safe"

"Fine" said Tom a very slight blush on his face as he understood what Harry was saying

"You're blushing Tommy!" he giggled at his brother who only smiled back

"Come on let's get you two something to eat before we head to the bank to fully adopt you as my own"

"But didn't you do that anyway?" asked Severus to him

"I did in the Muggle World"

"Muggle? what's a Muggle?" they both asked him

"Muggles my dear sons are people born without magic like your matron she's a Muggle, we are wizards we have magic"

"Shush we aren't allowed to say that word is bad" they covered their mouths so then they wouldn't be able to say the word

"Boys it's ok to say that word, magic is all around us and even in me and you two as well, can you tell me if anything happened around you that you can't explain?"

The two boys thought for a moment and in the end both nodded

"Can you tell me? I won't hurt you or punish you for what has happened before I came to get you I promise"

"They cut my hair, it grew back" said Severus to him

"Our cuts and bruises healed over night" said Tom

"Well boys it seems that magic was involved and it's protected you so much that it healed you and grew your hair back" he rubbed their heads and both gave a shy smile

Harry took them to a little café and ordered two small bowls of the soup of the day with some bread

"I don't expect you to eat all of it all I want you two to do is try for me if you feel full stop I won't have a go at you for leaving it" said Harry as he too ate his soup so then they wouldn't feel left out, it happened to be homemade chicken soup

"This is so yummy" said Severus as he ate about half his bowl before stopping Tom ate a little more but felt sick

"Well done boys I'm proud of you two, now drink your juice and then we'll head to Gringotts ok"


Thinking of changing Severus' and Tom's name but I don't know what any suggestions?

Their first names will be moved to their middle names so

............ Severus Peverell

............ Thomas Peverell

So they need new first names

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