34. Abraxas Sings a Lullaby and Meanings

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The new found family of mates and children where in the living room playing some games of sorts all Magical mind you they sometimes played Muggle games but that was few and far between to be honest Errikos would love them to know Muggle games and such but Abraxas and Orion wouldn't have it and would you have it was that the two of them along with his new sons had ganged up on him

Him Lord Errikos Ignotus Peverell had been ganged up on which made him think of his past... or was it future with his cousin Dudley... it made him shudder at the thought but he let his mates and new sons have their way...

.... for now in his book he would change it soon enough no way was he going to let his family not know something about the Muggles

Yes they needed to be feared in what had happened and knowing about weapons like gun and tanks, surveillance cameras around everywhere and hearing about a Wizard going out into the Muggle world dressed in.... he shuddered at the thought of:

Lemon yellow rubber dungarees over the top of a thick brown fur coat, bright red clown shoes on and a fluorescent orange emergency cone on their heads.... the Muggles thought he was crazy as he was spewing everything about the Magical World.... needless to say he was committed into an insane asylum but due to a Squib working there he managed to get back to the Wizarding World and the Statue of Secretary became more tighter than ever and that happened only a few years back he could understand why his two mates were worried plus they never really stepped out into the Muggle World that often

He would change that soon enough

He was brought out of his thoughts when he heard quite singing next to him, he looked to see his Little Colt singing quietly, he was dressed in cream long ruffled loose blouse and a pair of black cotton trousers, his long platinum hair was braided and resting over his shoulder the end tied with a green ribbon

"Down by the water, under the willow
Sits a lone ranger, minding the willow
He and his wife once lived happily

Planted a seed that grew through the reeds
Summers and winters through snowy Decembers
Sat by the water close to the embers
Missing out the lives that they once had before

I wouldn't leave you
I would hold you
When the last day comes
What if you need me
Won't you hold me
On the last day
Our last day

Mr. and Mrs., dreamed of a willow
Carving their names into their willow
If he had spoken, love would return
Spoken inside, too soft to be heard

Summers and winters trough snowy Decembers
Sat by the water, remembering embers
Missing out the lives that they once had before

I wouldn't leave you
I would hold you
When the last day comes
What if you need me
Won't you hold me
On the last day
Our last day

Somewhere the timing will all come together
The mishaps will turn into sunny Decembers
The lovers will be able to find their willow
I wouldn't leave you
I would hold you
When the last day comes

I wouldn't leave you
I would hold you
When the last day comes
What if you need me
Won't you hold me
On the last day
Our last day"

Everyone had stopped what they were doing most of them had been reading, Orion, Len, Kam and Lucius mainly Sirius and Regulus had been colouring

"Pwetty Abby voice" said Regulus getting up and going over to the blond man he climbed up onto his lap and sighed he loved his blond hair, Abraxas' arms came around him in a hug as he finished singing

"Daddy has a wonderful voice!" said Lucius

"You my Light should know it your mother used to sing it to you all the time to get you to sleep, I learnt the words so then I could always sing it if anything happened to her"

"Still very beautiful Abraxas" said Orion to them making the blond man blush and hide his head in Errikos' shoulder embrassed

"Dere dere all bedder" said Regulus as he pet the man's hair

"Little Colt it was beautiful, you voice is very soothing to listen to why didn't you tell anyone you could sing?"

"Father said it was too unmanly and not right for the then Heir of the Malfoy linage that's all but I would sing when he wasn't around or when I was with Farrah... she loved me singing"

"Well you can sing all you want here my Little Colt" he kissed his head

"Why his he called Colt?" asked Sirius

"Well his name is a type of horse and a male horse is called a Stallion but when he was younger he was called Colt which is a baby male horse, you name means Star same with Regulus, both your names are names of stars- Sirius is a binary star meaning two in the Canis Major meaning the Big Dog, Regulus is one of the brightest stars in the constellation of Leo which is a Lion, his name means Little Prince"

The two Black children where amazed at this and pointed to Orion wondering what his name meant Errikos laughed at them

"Well my name Errikos means Industrious Leader in Greek, Galen means Healer in Greek and Kamari means moon in Swahili and Arabic, now lets see we covered your names as well as everyone else's next is Orion his name is also a star and comes from the Hunter constellation named Orion it was once called 'The Light of Heaven' by the Sumerians" said Errikos to his children who were very interested in the little History lesson in the names and meanings it was a very cute way to bond

"So I'm a puppy?" asked Sirius to his father

"If you want to be called puppy as a nickname that's fine" he picked him up

"I'm too big to sit on your lap" he smiled

"Never son never" hugged Orion

"Wha daddy nicky name?" asked Regulus

Errikos smiled he loved his youngest son's lisp

"You my Little Leo are cute with your lisp, your daddy's nick name is Little Snake" smiled Errikos making Orion blush

"Wow!" said Regulus to him his father's face was bright red now making the youngest laugh loudly

"The house is much more lively now that I have all of you" said Errikos to everyone


Oldest to youngest

Lucius- 26th May 1954- I went into past chapters and hopefully got them to change his age to meet my need if not can you tell me please
Sirius- 3rd November 1959
Galen- 31st December 1960
Kamari- 31st December 1960
Regulus- 9th June 1961

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