11. Meeting the Mastermind

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Errikos was getting ready for this meeting with Dumbles and he was grateful for Tit and Tat after they had picked his outfit he was after all going as Lord Peverell he needed to dress the part

Once dressed but without his outer robe he finally managed to go down and have his breakfast, he knew that he was going to be early and he also knew that Dumbles was going to be late for said meeting which was going to piss him off

"Papa can we come with you?" asked Kam that was feeling much better

"No Kamari I have to go to a very important meeting with someone very annoying and I don't want you two to become bored as I don't know how long this meeting will last"

"Oh ok then papa" he said sadly and so Errikos went over to him and knelt down to his eye level

"I want you my little moon to rest up a little more and keep Luna and your brother company Tit and Tat will be with you, how about you show Luna the toy room? hum? you could also draw me something which I'll keep in my office"

The little boys eyes lit up "I can do that papa I'm a big boy!"

"I know you are Kam" he kissed the little boys head and watched both his sons drag Luna off only for her to mouth a good luck to him before he dawned his outer robe and floo'd out and to Hogsmead

He looked around and sighed it appeared that he would have to walk up to the blasted castle as the old coot didn't want to give him the bloody floo address but before he could leave the little village a Thestral came up to him drawing a closed topped carriage next to him

"Thank you old friend this will do nicely" he petted the Thestral before he got in and the creature pulled the carriage up to the castle

As he got out he noticed no one waiting for him which royally pissed him off, he looked at his watch knowing again that he was early and he knew where the headmasters office was anyway and so with a very Lucius type move he knew from his second year he walked into the castle like he owned it

As a matter of fact he did own the castle but he wasn't letting Dumbles know that

He waited outside the Gryffin entrance not knowing the password, he looked at his immaculate white gloves and hummed if the old coot wanted to wait until their appointment time then he would if it went passed the time he would leave and would tell everyone in his social circle that Dumbles couldn't even keep an appointment time for the Peverell line and he would take it all to the papers, he checked his watch and it was now 2 minutes until his meeting he looked up when he heard running he turned around it was McGonagall

"Out of my way!" she almost practically pushed him away but he stopped her

"With all due respect madam I have a meeting and as I don't know the blasted password to this thing I am forced to wait here I am Lord Peverell and you must be Deputy Headmistress Minerva McGonagall, Transfiguration professor and head of Gryffindor, would you kindly say the password before I truly leave due to my impatience"

"Lord Peverell I am sorry I was told to be here at 10am I was told that you would be floo'ing in"

"Oh no the man didn't give me the password to come through and I did try a number of times but I wasn't able to use it for some reason I had to floo to Hogsmead and walk up to the castle" he waited for her to give the password and they went up, the password was Ice Mice

Dumbles was waiting behind his desk smiling away but it disappeared when Minerva came in with Errikos right behind her he was hoping that the man wouldn't come at all, well he wanted the children to come not the man

"Ah my boy welcome welcome...."

"I am not your boy reframe from using that I will never be your boy..." looks at his watch "....we are late for starting the meeting I have my son's to get back to"

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