How Much Water Did You Drink Today?

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It was a question, but it didn't sound like one. His voice was deep and his eyes narrowed.

"Not enough," I admitted. My eyes glanced over to the full water bottle and empty coffee mug on my desk. I could have inserted some smart-ass comment about the fact that coffee is 98.75 percent water, but I had already earned myself enough trouble.

He'd publicly announced that I'd be taking 4 spankings today, one of which was going to be an actual punishment, and so far I'd only received one fun trip over his knee this morning. I wasn't sure I really needed to get myself in any more trouble. And I actually was thirsty. I get so hyper-focused with my work that I forget to do things like eat or drink or stand up and move. It was a problem.

"Not enough?" He raised one eyebrow, his eyes digging into me.

I bit my lip. I guess I was going for five today after all. He gripped his fingers around my upper arm and tugged me towards the bedroom.

"Stay," he commanded as he reached into the drawer on his side of the bed. My lower core fluttered in anticipation then melted into hot liquid as he made his way back towards me, leash in hand.

He clipped the leash onto the o-ring of my day collar and promptly pulled me down the stairs to the main floor of the house, then down the hallway. My pulse quickened as we approached the door to the basement. That's where all the big bad toys lived. The canes. The big oak paddle with holes drilled in it. The whip. I gulped.

Then, a wave of cautious relief swept over me as we passed the door to the basement and we stopped in the kitchen. But the relief didn't last long as my eyes scanned over all of the punishment devices we kept hidden in plain sight. The decorative paddle hanging on the wall; cracked slightly from the last time he used it. The jar of punishment rice next to the tin foil. Wooden spoons and rubber spatulas by the stove. Liquid dish soap on the sink.

"Sit." His hand was still gripping the end of the leash, the veins on his forearms more prominent now.

I kneeled on the hardwood kitchen floor, sitting back on my heels and looking up at him. Waiting.

He opened the cabinet in front of him and pulled out a large glass, then filled it with cold water from the refrigerator.

"Drink." He handed me the glass.

I took a large sip in an effort to be obedient, but it was colder than I expected and I coughed as I swallowed, spitting up water on my workout tank and some on the floor by his feet.

He said nothing, but I saw the corners of his mouth twitch up for a moment. He only stared at me, waiting for me to continue. I did, this time with slower and smaller sips until I had finished the entire glass.

He took the empty cup from my hands, placing it on the counter and tugging me upwards with the leash, pulling me closer to him so I was against his chest. He took my chin between two fingers and forced my eye contact.

"You know better."

I nodded, my chin still in his grip. "I'm sorry."

He stared at me for a few long moments before sighing and releasing my chin. He unclipped the leash and planted a kiss on my forehead.

"Go get your workout in and hurry back. We have a date in the basement tonight."

My core flipped upside down as he said it. The way he said it. The way he looked at me as he said it with that crooked grin. I knew whatever he had planned was going to undo me in more ways than one. That by the end, I'd be a malleable and obedient puddle at his feet.

But, for now, I was off leash and free. Free to write smutty snippets on the stair mill at the gym. While drinking water.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08 ⏰

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