Ch 4

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Hoseok finally stopped crying when Taehyung shoved some ugly dragon on Hoseok's face and Hoseok instantly stopped crying and giggled when he caught Mr Roary in his arms.

Hoseok eyes fell on bag which was in Taehyung;s and he was about to snatch it from him when Taehyung raised his hand above him making it impossible for smol Hoseok to reach it with his height. 

" Grand pa say uncle to give Seokie's toy ,  he is being Rude they are Seokie's toys not his. Seokie will let him play but these are his toys only , even Kookie doesn't do this to Seokiee meanie " Hoseok said complaining to Mr Kim with his pouty lips  who melted and was about to ask Taehyung to return it back but Taehyung spoke first ," If you want toys than you must clear the mess you created and apologize to me"

"No !! Seokie won't apologize to you !!" Hoseok said stomping his feet and turned to Mr Kim he grabbed his hand and said ," Grand pa will buy me new one's and he will play with me ,Seokie don't want to play with you " 

Taehyung snorted at this and Mr Kim face paled he never though that he had to play with someone ever that too like this . 

"He won't he is my appa so he won't buy you anything nor play with you so be good boy and clean this only than you can play " Taehyung said and Hoseok let go of Mr Kim and looked at him with so much hurt and betrayal that Mr Kim felt he did worst thing in world. He hasn't even feel this guilty when he killed someone.

Hoseok look down sulking and said in dejected tone  as he sniffled  ," seokie get's it !!no one wants to play with seokie here !! Mr Rowry don't be lonely we will play together we don't need anyone else ." 

Saying this he Clutched Mr rowry in his arms and walked away dejected .

"Drama queen " Taehyung mumble and his eyebrow raised in amusement when he saw one of his guard stopping Hoseok and saying ," Don't worry Prince we will help you clean this. We will get your toys back from Meanie uncle . So don't cry you are not alone."

And Mr Kim smiled when he saw Hoseok laugh as he pecked guards cheeks who was in his 40's one of the skilled strategist of gang . And soon other guards came and said they will help him clean.

Taehyung was like What the heck is happening . He looked at his father for support but was surprised when he found his father too in crowd surrounded by little boy and he heard his father mumble something about no need of saying sorry to brat of his son and that he will buy hoseok whatever he wants.


"Why are you so pissed huh and who riled you up???" Jimin asked as Taehyung came to company .

" What else would it be it's ofcourse that Damn Jeon" 

"What did Jungkook do ?? Didn't we sign pact with them ??"

"It's not him it's his brother"

"Hoseok ?? What could little sunshine do to you ever ??"

"DO to me ?? He is dangerous than that Jungkook brat, for once even Jungkook seems good to me infront  of  that Hoseok"

"Taehyung come on you are over reacting what could little fluff ball like him do ??"

"Many things he has my appa wrapped around him"

Jimin snorted ," Don't exaggerate okay , your appa will shot anyone for just smiling at him"

"You don't believe me , right ??" Taehyung asked

"Yes " Jimin asked deadpan serious 

"Than look " Taehyung said as he called Ryunjin, his father right man and asked him to show his father . Jimin noticed even Ryunjin look like he would rather enjoy the scene in front of him than talk with them like they were some losers. Ryunjin showed them the scene infront of him and Jimin choked when he seen Mr Kim playing with Hoseok . They were playing with legos.

Taehyung cut call and looked at Jimin whose mouth was open like fish dying 

" That's that unbelievable !!" Jimin said and almost passed out.

"Shush !!" 

Taehyung never thought there would be day where he would dreaded going home but here he was contemplating what would disaster awaits his home. 

He pushed away his thoughts and stepped inside mansion to find it too quiet .

He asked one of guards about the cyclone and was told little prince went to bed as he was tired.

Taehyung wanted to ask what the heck was boy tired from ?Huh? Playing around?? Eating?? What exactly and he couldn't understand why was they calling him little prince?? Just why ??

Taehyung sighted and walked to hall to find his father smiling .

Mr Kim smiled when he saw Taehyung and patted beside sofa asking Taehyung to sit beside him . Taehyung had never seen his father smile so much as he do now.

"Look Taehyung what we built today , isn't this adorable . That boy is smart you know " Mr Kim said showing him pics of their LEGO ART , some pics of him and Hoseok and his soft toys .

Taehyung smiled softly when he saw his father smiling so happily . 

"You even clicked pictures with our mans"

"Oh yes !! There are many pictures some were clicked while cleaning as well " Mr Kim answered and Talked to Taehyung about how fun it was today. Taehyung eyes turned teary a little bit cause Mr Kim never talked this much to him in years it was always related to business or his study when he was in college. He pushed away his tears as he keenly listened to his father.

"Oh that reminds me when will you be going for Shopping ??"

"Shopping ??"

"Yeah you need to buy clothes for your wedding right"

"Uhm yeah will go tomorrow "

"Oh ohkay , anyways I am leaving I have to go back to my place. Even though I wanted to stay for bit long but I have work to do " Mr Kim said to Taehyung and left from there.

Taehyung sighted and went to his room but was shocked to find Hoseok sleeping on his bed and his room looked like it was some child's room with toys lying on floor and soft plushies spread on his bed.

He shake Hoseok asking him to go to his room but later mumbled something about this room's bed is way softer than others and he likes here and went back to sleep clutching his Mr Momo in his hand . 

Taehyung sighted and went to change his clothes and his eyes widen when he couldn't find his black silk night wear robe . He instantly turned to Hoseok and pulled away his blanket but frowned when he found later was wearing his own  clothes ( i.e what he was wearing on day of his kidnapping ) 

"Where did my clothes go ?" He asked to himself .

And went to change his clothes into his something different

He closed his eyes and laid on bed and prayed to go to give him strength to handle this cyclone. Taehyung wanted to cry when Hoseok cuddle him . He pushed away later but like leech he snuggle close to him

" You have your Mr Momo now than why are you hugging me ??" Taehyung asked as he jabbed Hoseok who pouted and mumbled ," TaeTae is meanie but good for cuddling , Seokie likes it " 

And Taehyung swear something was wrong with his heart beat as it quickened and unconsciously he smiled little. 


Vote for cutie Hoseokieeee !!!!

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