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"Where did chu go Meanie uncle ?? Seokie was scared " Hoseok said in cute voice clinging to Taehyung.

"Sorry bub go back to sleep everything's fine " Taehyung mumble as he pressed soft kiss on his forehead.

Hoseok smiled sleepily nuzzling his fac on Taehyung's chest.


"Come back Seokie don't make me angry " Taehyung yelled at Younger who ran away with his Gucci shirt .

"Catch Seokie if you can you old bones"Hoseok teased as he ran out of his room.

Taehyung was running after Hoseok like mad man not caring about other who were laughing seeing them.

Taehyung screamed and fall on ground with dramatic sight as he saw his favourite shirt floating on  water of swimming pool.

"Bo bo old meanie uncle bo bo " Hoseok teased him pulling his cheeks before he ran away inside skipping in happiness.

Taehyung mourn over his favourite shirt in 2 minute silence before he got up.

"Just wait your brat I will show you why you shouldn't mess with me " Taehyung said and went inside.


(Okay so you won't be understanding some parts here cause it's part of other book which will be releasing probably after this or while this book is in continuation. Idk I haven't planned. So it's gonna be Yeonbin. And after that there is Namkook story.)

Taehyung rubbed Hoseok's back who was crying clutching his shirt.
"Meanie uncle hiccup Seokie didn't ~~ Seokiee just ~~"

"Shhh Seokie it's okay bub . Don't cry ." Taehyung said softly .

"Seokie is scared.....Bunny boo....he...he...Yeonie...." Hoseok broke down as Taehyung pulled him in his lap rocking him.

Hoseok wrapped his arms around Taehyung sobbing against his chest.

"Woud Tae ~~Tae~~be ~ like ~~Bunny boo??Would Tae~~Tae~~"

" Seokie bby I would never do that I promise you. "Taehyung mumble .

How can he act like that fuckin psycopath. The bitch was gone.

Taehyung thought he hated Jeon's gut but guess Choi gonna take award..

Fuckin goner.

He had seen many twisted faces of people ....but to think....he would be seeing someone as him doing such ...was just disgusting.

After Hoseok clam down .
Taehyung gently grabbed his hand which was bandaged and kiss it .

"Is it paining??" He asked.

"ofcourse Meanie uncle are you dumb ?It's ouchie ouchie ofcourse it pains " Hoseok said and Taehyung smiled at sassy reply of him.

"Hmm now will you listen to something that Meanie uncle has to say ??"


"Be good To Yeonie , Seokie okay..he is you friend isn't he ? Than why fight with him ? "

"Is not that Seokie doesn't like Yeonie....but it's just that Yeonie is more close To Nammu and Seokie doesn't get it why is it that?"

"Hmm so what's wrong? You are close to Nammu as well aren't you? Maybe you just want to be friends with eachother like you are with Nammu but couldn't find a way ?"

Hoseok pouted little and though about it ,"Seokie doesn't know why is life so complicated??"

Hoseok sighted dramatically making Taehyung Chuckle.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29 ⏰

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