Chapter Thirty One - My Heart Needs a GPS

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Chapter Thirty One – My Heart Needs a GPS


I can't believe it's been over two years since I started this. Thirty one chapters later, it's officially about seven chapters away from completion. I Don't Like Badboys...Seriously is coming to an end. I'm so glad to have had you guys along for the ride, and a usual, I hope you enjoy the chapter! :)



I saw blonde messy hair.

Emerald green eyes.

Someone who looked a lot like Hunter.

I hated coincidences, and having so many in one day was surely a cruel joke made by fate.

I was staring at Hunter, who was staring at me.


"Hey Archer!" Someone hollered. We both turned to see a tall brunette walk over with some other guys.

"Oh hey Beck," he replied with a grin.

"They want some pictures," she said, gesturing to the camera and backdrop set up.

Archer looked at me questioningly. "Go," I grinned, nudging him. We unlinked arms and he walked off with the others. I watched as they stood next to each other, smiling and posing while the cameras flashed. This was a whole new world.

I turned back and saw Hunter set down the light stand. "Hey," he said, walking over with his hands in his pockets. He was in a black suit with a white shirt inside and a black tie. His usually unruly blonde hair was more combed than usual, albeit still messy.

"Hi," I replied, grabbing the silk sash, twisting it around my index finger. "Why'd you skip school yesterday?" I grinned, with a forced laugh. Oh my, this was so awkward.

He turned and flicked his chin in the direction of the cameras. "Helping out my dad setting up this thing. They're short staffed and I have nothing better to do."

This was the first time he'd mentioned his dad in any more depth than the fact that he had one. "What does your dad do?" I asked.

"He's in charge of advertising, so he's coordinating the photo shoots for the magazine."

I looked back at where Archer was taking photos. A reporter came over to them and they shook hands. The reporter flipped open his notebook and pulled out a pen. They were laughing and talking and the girl occasionally touched his arm. This was his crowd: the upper class – heirs and heiresses. He interacted so naturally. The other model he was with – Beck – was beautiful. She was also so natural with it all. Her wavy hair fell so perfectly on her back.

Archer noticed me, grinning and gave me a small wave. I felt my face flush red and I looked away, my eyes landing straight on Hunter instead.

"You look great," Hunter grinned.

My face heated up again; that was twice in one night. One more and that would be a record.

"You clean up pretty well too," I replied.

Archer came over and he and Hunter gave brief 'hellos'. Archer escorted me away after we farewelled Hunter.

Was I sweating out of my elbow? My entire body was tense as Archer led me through the crowd. He nodded and exchanged brief pleasantries with other people as we walked past. A server with a tray of champagne walked over to us and offered a glass.

"No thanks," I replied with a smile.

Archer took one off the tray and sipped it. "Still not drinking?" He grinned.

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