SEQUEL: So...I Like The Bad Boy

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So...I Like The Bad Boy

For socially awkward Cathy, talking to boys is a challenge, let alone dating the bad boy. Having finished high school without successfully working out how to kiss, the relationship is guaranteed to be an awkward one.

With them taking separate paths and meeting new people, the differences between them become even more obvious and the tightrope they've been balancing on is starting to sway.


"So, are you going to tell me why you're giving me seventeen apples?" I mumbled, lifting the bag slightly to examine the red apples.

"An apple a day keeps the doctor away," he beamed proudly.

"I'm going away for fourteen days. Why seventeen?"

"Well, this guy seems particularly persistent, so I'm going to give you three extra apples to really keep the bastard far, far away."


This and 'Chasing the Bad Boy' are both sequels to 'I Don't Like Badboys...Seriously'. I'm writing them concurrently. While they feature separate sort of story arcs there are still cross overs which should be a lot of fun :D

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